When I woke up, all I could see was black. Then, I realized I was blindfolded. Makes sense, I suppose.
I tried to move my arm, but it wouldn't move. Either I was tied up as well, or that knockout stuff was still effecting me. I'd go with the latter.
Finally, I tried to speak. "Hello?" Strange. I wasn't gagged. "Oh, you're awake," said a moderately muffled robotic voice. "Please, do not panic. Employees will come in to assist you." I heard footsteps approaching. "Who's there?" I yelled blindly. I tried to scoot away from whoever was coming, but I was tied up. I felt people's arms around me. They untied me and got rid of my blindfold.
The light blinded me for a second, and I could not see who had unleashed me until they were already halfway out the door. I scanned my surroundings.
Everything was bright white and modern looking. The kind of thing most people would consider fancy. A small desk was to my right and a one-way mirror to my left. I got to my feet and looked closer.
On the desk were a few papers and a syringe. "What is this?" I questioned. The robotic voice returned. "Those papers are engagement papers, and the syringe we will get to later." "Um, sorry, but I'm not getting married anytime soon." I could hear whoever was speaking facepalm. "Not engagement as in marriage, engagement as in arrangement." "Oh." Now I felt dumb.
"Ok, so what kind of arrangement?" I asked while picking up the papers. "A schooling and job arrangement," the voice answered. I started reading through them.This school is a two year long training academy to fight against evil forces. All that is needed to apply is a working mind, able body, and an unnatural ability. Unnatural abilities include flight, extreme strength, extreme brain power, etc.
I stopped there. "Woah, hold on. Flight? Extreme strength? That's not exactly possible." "Please, just keep reading." The robotic voice was getting annoyed with me. "Ok."
The academy will teach how to control these abilities and master them, along with basic combat and knowledge. The academy is working on finding these unnatural people so we can bring some extra firepower to our army.
I stopped again. "So, this is like X-men?" I asked. The robotic voice got confused, "X-men? I don't follow." "You know, like the superheroes? Haven't you ever seen at least one of those movies?" "What's a superhero?" "You know what? Just forget it." "Please, keep reading."
There are a few rules that come with this school.
1: No talking out of order
2: No fooling around
3: No using abilities outside of class
4: You must comply with all requests of superiors
5: Use your talents to the best of your ability
6: No showing off
7: No showing abilities to the outside world
8: You must continue this path as long as you are still functioning
9: Follow all school rules
By signing this contract, you agree to all of the following rules. Failure to comply with these rules will result in expulsion and possible experimental testing.Under that was a place where I could sign. "I'm afraid you've made a mistake." "Excuse me?" The robot seemed offended. "These powers don't exist. Flight and super strength isn't possible," I said confidently. "They do exist, and we can prove it to you if you just sign the contract." The robotic voice sounded greedy and angry. "Oh, really? I sign over my life to you, and you give me super powers?" I muttered sarcastically. "Yes!" The robotic voice had not heard my sarcasm.
I honestly don't know why I signed it. Maybe just to prove a point? Or possibly because I thought I could rip it up if it was all fake? Either way, I signed it, sneering. "Okay, so, what's the point of the syringe?" I asked, not expecting anything. "To get your abilities." "Now, how does that work?" I faked curiosity. "Just a moment." I waited for something to happen, and something did.
A couple people in bright white hazmat suits entered. "Um, what are they doing?" I inquired nervously. One of them grabbed the syringe, saying absolutely nothing. "Just stay still," the robotic voice said rather sadistically. "What-?" I didn't finish my sentence. The one without the syringe grabbed my arm and pushed my sleeve up. The other one stuck the syringe in my arm. "Hey! What-? That's not-!" I stuttered, but once again I could not finish my sentence, because the syringe started filling up.
It was not blood, it was something orange. Suddenly a shrieking pain erupted from my arm. "WHAT IS-!?" I started blacking out. The people pulled the syringe out of my arm, and walked away with it.
The room went sideways. It felt like someone had just ripped a vein out of my arm. Cold sweat dripped down my face. The people returned with a bracelet. A black bracelet with one single bright orange gem. They fastened it around my arm, and pressed the gem like a button.
Immediately, the pain ebbed away. A cooling sensation spread throughout my arm. I looked at the bracelet. It didn't seem to have anything special about it. What did it do?
I got up off the ground slowly, trying to process what had just happened. Then, I realized who had caused that. "HEY! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?" I shouted at the one-way mirror. "Please, calm down. I said I would show you that these unnatural abilities were real, correct? Click the gem," the robotic voice spoke calmly.
Reluctantly, I clicked the gem. Nothing happened. "Seriously?" I questioned the robotic voice. Then, I felt something prickling on my hand.
I scratched at it real quick, but it didn't go away. I brought it up to my eyes... and it was on fire.
Out of natural response, I panicked and whipped my hand around, trying to put it out. That only ensued more chaos. Fire launched from my hand and at the tile floor, which, for some reason, caught fire as well. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed. The fire alarms went off and sprinklers showered from above. The fires went out and the alarms stopped. There was momentary silence as my hair and clothes dripped. I looked up at the one-way mirror. The robotic voice only said one thing.
The people in hazmat suits escorted (more like dragged) me out of that room, and I was greeted with a familiar face. "Aléa?" It was the guy from the convenience store. He had said not to hate him, and well, I kinda broke that promise.
"WHAT THE HECK, MAN?" I yelled. "YOU KNOCK ME OUT AND PUT ME IN A PLACE WHERE THEY NEARLY KILLED ME WITH A SYRINGE? WHAT THE HECK'S THAT ALL ABOUT?" "Okay, just calm down," James tried to reason. "NO! GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY YOU WOULD DO THAT!" "Fine!" James yelled. "It was part of an assignment, okay? I had to." I calmed down a bit. So, it was like a really lame project for school.
"So, what is this place exactly?" I asked as the people in hazmat suits walked back into the room. "You read the paper, right?" "Yes." "Well, then it's pretty obvious what this place is," James responded. "Yeah, but, it's just kinda strange, you know?" I said, looking around for where all of these classrooms were.
The surroundings were similar to that of a hospital or a science lab. Narrow hallways with doors on each side, worried people constantly rushing by, random yells coming from inside some of the rooms. James started walking through it all.
"Come on," he said simply, motioning me to follow him. "Where is the whole school, then?" I asked, following him. "Just one second," he answered. We walked for a little bit, until James exclaimed, "There it is! Door 73!"
He opened the door and sighed. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "Break time." James did not need to explain any further.
When I walked inside, there was absolute chaos. Vines sprouting all over the place, giant bubbles hitting the ceiling, kids young and old running around everywhere, and just plain craziness. Awesome!
I wandered inside, looking through the crowd. Training dummies were stashed in a corner, each moderately destroyed in a strange way. Gymnastics mats covered the floor, and climbing walls and ropes were layered over the left wall. To my right, there was a large metal door labeled "Classrooms" and at the back was an even larger door made of wood that was labeled "Living Quarters."
I suddenly noticed James was nowhere to be found, and when I turned to face the room of chaos again, an almost anorexic looking short blonde girl was standing in front of me.
"Hello, new student! What's your name?" She spoke in a high-pitched, perky voice. "Um, Aléa Thompson," I said, overloaded by the neon pink shirt and shorts she was wearing. "Hello, Aléa! My name's Brie! It's so nice to meet you! I'm the student guide around here, so I'll show you around, yeah?" Brie batted her overly purple eyelids and eyelashes under her brown thin glasses. "Sure," I said awkwardly. "Yay!" Brie shouted. She flipped around and started leading me through the crowd.
"Ok, so, as you may have noticed, we're rather... odd people. See, check out what I can do!" She flipped around and clicked the bright blue gem on her silver bracelet. She formed her hands into a circle shape and blew through them. A large bubble formed right in her hands, which she let go of, and it floated to the ceiling. "Ta-da!" Brie squealed happily.
When she saw the look on my face, her mood immediately changed. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you'll get used to it. I know I did!" She flipped back around and continued walking. "So, over there are the bedrooms and such," Brie pointed to the door labeled living quarters. "You'll bunk with people with similar powers. For example, I'm an Elemental, 'cause I can control water, a person who could read minds would be a Mental, and a person how could fly would be a Physical. So, what can you do?" Brie said all of this very, very quickly.
I clicked on my bracelet, and my hand went alight again, only causing a small freak out in the back of my brain. "Ooh, fire!" Brie said excitedly. "I think you're an Elemental as well! Yay! You'll bunk with me!" I clicked on my bracelet again, which put out the flames immediately. "Yay," I said weakly.
I was still processing all of this. Basically, what was going on in my mind was this; "So, superheroes are real, huh? That's what my life is now? Okay, just give me a minute to go pass out, then, and I'll be ready."
I didn't actually pass out. I was close to it, though. Too much stuff at once.
"Alright, so, your classes will be sorted by the same system. It might seem a bit controlling, but really, it's just easier this way," Brie explained. "Is that it?" I asked thickly. "Enthusiastic, aren't you?" Brie said sarcastically. "Well, the second row of classes start soon. You missed the actual training for Elementals, but I suppose it's better you get the teaching before the action. So, anyways, you wanna go do-," she got cut off by a loud dinging sound.
"Oh, that's the bell! Come with me!" Brie grabbed my arm and tugged me through the classrooms door.AN: Eeeeyyyyy, new chapter stuffs. I told you stuff would get more awesome! Sorry about the first chapters being boring. If they were, I mean. So, um, yay! I don't actually have much to say.
Oh, yeah! Shortblondemidget, I put you in here, if you didn't notice. I tried to text you and ask you what you would want your superpower to be, but the message didn't go through since my internet had been really suckish lately. Hope your happy with your character!!
One last thing. Sorry 'bout there not being indents on paragraphs like there should be, it's just that Wattpad is being really weird for me right now. Probably because of my terrible internet, or my ability to forget to save my stuff every effing time! Sorry, personal moment right there. Anyways, chip, chip, cheerio, comrades!!

AdventureAléa Thompson was never a "good" kid, but ever since her parents died, and she ran away from all of her family, life has been especially awful. No one trusts street garbage like her. No one, until she finds out a shocking truth about the world. One...