Cameron's POV
I was just siting on the couch when I got a call from Kian " hey man what's up?" I say "nothing much but you guys wanna come to our party later?" he asks "sure what time?" I ask "around 10 and it is a mascara themed so you got to wear a mask" he say "no shit but alright me and the boys will be there."alright man see you then" Kian says and hangs up. I go and ask the boys if they wanna go and they all say yes.
It's around 9:40 and we all are just sitting in the living getting ready.Nash has on this really weird mask with a really long nose, Taylor's mask has these weird jewels on the right eye. My mask is a full mask so you can't see anything but my eyes, Matt has a full mask as well .Shawn has this really cool mask that we fought over and he won rock paper scissors so he got it.
We get to the party around 10:15 and it's already in full swing. "Hey guyss" a drunk JC says. We all laugh at him and go threw the house to the back yard where most of the people are. Everyone was wearing masks And all dressed up that was the part Kian forgot to mention. All these people look like they are from the Middle Ages and then you got us wearing obey jackets and modern day clothes.
Before we got outside 4 girls walked in clearly they didn't get the memo either. The one with Black hair was wearing leggings with a long dressy shirt, The Pail one with dark hair was wearing jeans with combat boots and a jean jacket. The really cute blond was wearing leggings as well and a short longish shirt funny her shirt matches my mask. The last girl was wearing jeans And a flannel with Vans.
I was gonna walk up to them when Kian grabbed them and shouted "hey guys this is Autumn,Jess,Kelly and Adelein and they are new here in town so don't be to big of dicks to them!" they started laughing then me and the blond , Kelly made eye contact. She smiled and I smiled back but as We walked towards them they walked away, I wonder why that was? Dose she know who I am? maybe that's why she walked away.

Hoes before Bros
FanfictionShawn Mendes ,Cameron Dallas Taylor Caniff and Matthew Espinosa, Magcon