'God, Justin you just revealed you had feelings for her! What did you do that for!' His conscience punished him, as he flopped on his bed - head first. Ow! There was a knock on the door. 'What'
'Justin its Allie, can I come in?'
'Fine if you must'
'Do you know what's up with Tiff?'
'No,why is she ok?'
'Ever since we got in she's been sat in her bedroom crying'
'Justin have you said anything to her?'
'Are you going to?'
'I guess I could try...'
'Now hurry up and get ready we need to leave for school!' Allie said as she headed out of the door
'I'm not promising a miracle,ok'
'I know Justin, she cares about you, you know.' Allie shuts the door as she leaves to let Justin get ready before he goes to speak to Tiff.
He climbed up the stairs whilst trying to tie his tie which didn't work. He knocked on the door before turning the handle and entering. 'Tiff?'
The room was the almost the same but something was different it was covered in mess! 'What did you do Tiff?'
'Nothing, it doesn't matter to you JUSTIN.' She was bitter with the word Justin and this hit him hard she was always so nice what had he turned her into?
'Tiff I meant what I said last night'
'Don't you feel the same way?'
'what if I say yes...'
'What did you mean?'
'We can't be together your going to be my STEP BROTHER for gods sake sometimes your so stupid.'
Tiff turned her head and looked out her window.
'Tiff, please...'
'Please what?'
'Let's give it a shot' Justin said as he sat down on her bed next to her.
'Because I love you so much Tiff, I can't live without you, what do you say?'
'It sounds as if your asking me to marry you'
The laughs break the silence between them
'Yea I guess we can have a go' she said as she sat down next to him on the bed
'Thank You!' Justin leant over and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he stood up and walked towards the door. 'see you at breakfast then beautiful'
This made Tiff blush 'yea, see you downstairs'
For once in his life Justin felt happy for what he'd done, he loved Tiff by no one could find out about this. By the time he had got downstairs Allie asked him if Tiffany was ok
'Shes fine Allie, I don't know what was up but she's alright now.'
'Thank you Justin, I know you care sometimes .'
Allie walked up to Justin and gave him a hug as Justin was going to back away he put his arms around her and whispered in her ear 'I'm sorry'
'Allie,Justin,Tiff are you ready, Leo and Floyd have left the house already!' Vaughan shouted into the house.
'Yeah just coming dad" Justin called down the stairs "see you later Tiff' Justin turned and looked at Tiff before he headed downstairs.
"Justin, can I have a quick word?"
Allie grabbed Justin's wrist on the way downstairs. "Is Tiffany ok?"
"Yea she's fine just a bit stressed but she'll be fine, I'll make sure of it for you" Justin replied
"Thanks, now come on let's get to school otherwise you'll be late"

Waterloo Road
Teen FictionJustin and Tiffany two school friends who have met due to there parents dating, Tiff grows a fondness for Justin but how will he react after reading her diary and discovering her emotions for him!