Chapter 20

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We drove back to Coles house his hand was gripping mine. As we walked into his house, everyone was sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Well, did you guys have a nice time?" Scott said as he took a sip from his glass. His arm was wrapped around terese. They were so cute together, and happy. Cole sat on a chair, and I sat on his lap. His mother smiled at me as she put her head on Scott’s chest.

"Yeah, we had a great night! I can’t believe tomorrow is our last day!" Cole said as he played with my fingers.

"I know! We should all go out to dinner tomorrow! But guess what Cole honey, I got some exciting news for you!" Terese said with excitement.

"What?" Cole replied grinning.

"I will be going on tour with you!" she said as she smiled and clenched her fists in excitement. Cole hugged me around the waist and rested his chin on my shoulders!

"That is great mom! We are going to have a great time!" he said smiling at her.

"Jordan, are you and Mackenzie going?" Kylee asked me smiling.

"No, um... Jill won’t let us go." I said looking at Cole with a small smile.

"Oh, well then I will make sure Cole calls you every night!" Terese said laughing, everyone joined in and we sat there talking about different stories of the boys being on tour. How wonderful each and every one of the boys were. How they changed girl’s lives, and had hearts of gold. Hours past as we lost track of time. The clock read 12, and we all decided it was time to go to sleep.

We went up to Cole’s bedroom as we changed into our pajamas. I climbed into his big bed and waited to feel the comfort of his arms. Cole climbed in and kissed my cheek.

"Face me" he said. I turned my body into his, I put my face towards his chest as he began to sing me to sleep.

 I woke up the next morning to Cole asleep on my chest. He looked up at me and gave me a tired smile. "Good morning baby girl." he said quietly.

"Good morning handsome man" I said taking a deep breath.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked me with a sly grin.

"I actually really want to watch movies with you all day." I said giggling

"Wow, well your wish is my command. What movie do you want to watch?" he asked as he scooted up, sitting next to me.

"I don’t know, what do you want to watch?" I asked giggling again.

"Well, we could watch Star Wars? Which one is your favorite?" he asked looking at me. My face flushed as his eyes got wide with shock.

"YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN STAR WARS?" he said yelling in shock.

"OH MY GOD JORDAN! WE NEED TO WATCH IT!" he said as he jolted to his star wars collection. He grabbed the first movie and put it in. It was about 2 hours long. I enjoyed it. It was so cute how Cole got into it. He was such a nerd, but he was my nerd.

We watched 2 more, until his mom came in telling u to get ready. Cole and I looked at each other and laughed as we got ready. We went downstairs at 5. As everyone was dressed so nice and fancy.

Terese had a purple blouse on with black pants. Scott was dressed in a nice button up shirt with jeans and Kylee had a pink sweater and some grey leggings, her hair was in a messy bun.

"You all look so good!" I said as I gave them a hug. We took two cars, for some reason I don’t know. I couldn’t help but look at Cole as we drove. His hair was beautiful (as usual). He wore a black V-neck with a red and white checkered button up. He wore black jeans and vans. He was perfect.


"I like when you stare at me like that." he said grinning. Cole made my heart explode.

"You’re like extremely handsome." I said. Cole looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Well, thank you. I think you are extremely beautiful." he said as he brought my hand to his lips.

I laughed, as we pulled up to a nice small restaurant.  Cole got out and walked over to open my door.  We walked hand in hand, meeting his family at the door.

"Ready you two?" Kylee said as she hooked my arm. We all laughed and nodded our heads in agreement.

"Reservations for Pendery" Scott said. The waiter grabbed menus and sat us at a table near open windows. Cole pulled out his sister’s chair and then mine. Scott did the same for Terese. Such gentlemen I thought to myself.

We sat at dinner and laughed about everything. I felt so comfortable with them. I felt like I belonged.

"Well I just want to say, I have enjoyed spending so much time with you both. I am really sad that you both are leaving!" Kylee said as she took a sip of water.

"Yeah, Cole we are so happy you brought Jordan here to meet us!" Scott said as he took another bite of steak.

"I'm really glad that you guys like her as much as I do." Cole said squeezing my hand under the table. My cheeks got warm as everyone at the table smiled at me.

"I loved getting to know you all. I can’t wait to be here again!" I said smiling as Coles grip grew stronger.

"We loved getting to know you too sweetie." Terese said reaching for my hand. I lifted my hand from underneath the table and held hers.

We all finished our meals as we stood up and walked to our cars. 

"We will meet you guys at the house, I’m going to take Jordan for a walk. Maybe we will get fro-yo." he said shrugging his shoulders as he gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. We said our goodbyes as Cole grabbed my hand. We walked down the streets and talked about the tour.

"So, I leave in 3 days for the tour." He said looking at his feet.

"Yeah, you do. Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah, I really am. But I am going to miss you so much."  He stopped and faced me.

"I’m going to miss you too Cole, you just need to remember I am so proud of you! I want you to go and have the time of your life! You-" I was cut off once again my Coles lips to mine. I loved how he interrupted me with kisses of affection.

"I don’t want this to be temporary. I don’t want you to be temporary" he said quickly. His hands were still on my cheeks as he looked me deep in my eyes.

"I’m not going anywhere." I said reaching for his hand. Our foreheads touched as he took a sigh of relief.

Cole kissed my forehead as we walked to get some frozen yogurt. We opened up the doors as we walked in. But our visit would be cut short by a bitch wearing a blue cardigan. None other than the infamous Emily and her crew of walking skanks.

"Well long time no see Cole!" a pretty red head ran up and gave him a hug, then a brunette and then Emily. Cole brought me closer to his chest as the girl’s eyes got wide and their arms folded.

"Well, well. Who is this?" The red head asked with a look of disgust. She twirled her hair with her fingers as she chewed her gum.

"This is my girlfriend Jordan." Cole said very cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you." The brunette came to give me a hug. She seemed to be the only one without an attitude.

"What happened to Cassidy?" the redhead said turning her head with a devilish smile. I had no idea why this chick didn’t like me. But I was about to give her a reality check if she opened up her mouth one more time.

"She wasn’t the girl for me Ally. That’s what happened." Cole shot back rudely. I didn’t mind though, she deserved.

"Well, good for you Cole! I am glad that you are happy!" The brunette said smiling at me. She seemed genuine.

"Thanks Jenna." He said returning the warm smile.

"Well, we would love to stay and talk to you Cole, but we have somewhere to be!" Emily said as she shot me an evil glare.

'If looks could kill' I thought to myself.

"Well than you better get going!" I said annoyed. Her expression was well, bitchy. The 3 girls left and Cole began to chuckle.

"Meow! Someone got a little catty!" he said in a funny manner. I shook my head and nudged his shoulder.

"I honestly don’t like her!" I said in a weird way. Cole shook his head at me once more. We walked to the machine and got our flavors. We paid and then sat down at a small table outside of the shop.

"I really love Texas." I said picking at my fro-yo.

"I knew you would!" he said doing the same.

We both laughed and talked about happiness’ and jealously. Cole was my comfort zone. Cole was something I never thought I wanted, but learned I couldn’t live without.

Cole Alan Pendery was my perfect match, and I was extremely grateful.

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