Chapter 2: Old Enemy

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It was a lax day on Dragons Edge. Everyone was scattered about, occupied with their own thing.

Fishlegs was working with Meatlug in his garden, and Snotlout was trying to impress Astrid, although Hiccup and Astrid were already betrothed he refused to give up on his fruitless task. Heather was practicing flight patterns and agility with Windshear, and Astrid was doing her best to ignore Snotlout while doing some target practice. The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, were flying around on their two-headed Zippleback looking for something to destroy. Hiccup was cooped up in his hut working on his dragon blade while Toothless slept by his side.

It was an ordinary day. Or at least as ordinary as you could get around here.

There were no recent sightings of Hunters, nowhere they had to be urgently, and no need to make the long flight back to Berk for whatever reason. Relaxing.

Hiccup finally returned to reality from his most recent efforts to improve his self-named 'Dragon Blade', and decided to take a break and see what everyone else was up to. He, most of all, was enjoying the day off. Being the leader of the dragon riders, he hardly ever got a moment to himself. There was always a problem he was expected to solve. But, today there was nothing. The Edge was quiet, and everyone had gotten a chance to relax.

His dragon, Toothless, was lying close to his rider. He had been asleep most of the day, also deciding to take advantage of the easy day. However, when he felt the boy rise from his chair, he peeked his eyes open to view the reason for the movement. Hiccup stood up and stretched before looking down at the dark-scaled dragon.

"Hey, bud how about we see what everyone else is too? What do you say?" He asked. Toothless only looked up at him tiredly before lying his head back down. "Fine, I'll go by myself." Hiccup grumbled while heading towards the door to his hut. "Lazy reptile," he muttered to himself with a chuckle.

The young heir walked out of his hut, shielding his eyes from the sun for a moment, and decided to look for Astrid first. Knowing her, she was off in the woods hurling her axe into any nearby trees. So, he headed off towards an area he knew she most commonly used for training.

He wasn't in any rush and certainly didn't move like he was. Everything about that day had been perfect. The easiest day the gang had had in months. With everyone involved in their own thing, it meant there were none of the usual disagreements Hiccup would usually be tasked with breaking up. For once, he had been able to get a significant amount of his projects done.

It didn't take Hiccup long to know he was on the right path.

As he went deeper into the forest, the roughly trodden path was lined with trees that all bore similar scarring from a certain shield maiden's axe. At some point, he heard her through the thick foliage and couldn't help but smile. Finally, coming through a clearing, he could see the woman he loved.

And Snotlout.

"Hey, Astrid, Snotlout," he said, catching their attention, "what are you two up to?"

"Oh, hey Hiccup," she smiled, "nothing super exciting, just working on some closeup target practice, as well as some long shots. Snotlout insisted on cheering me on, and wouldn't leave." She finished, Snotlout behind her very clearly flexing his muscles.

"Um, excuse me," Snotlout walked over, "I came out here to make sure Astrid here was doing everything right."

"Oh? And how's that working out for you?" Hiccup retorted, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you know, Astrid's pretty good," Snotlout said, looking at his hands, "Obviously not as good as someone like me, but still good enough." Hiccup couldn't help but shake his head and laugh along with Astrid. It had to be a good day for Astrid not to immediately throw Snotlout to the ground.

The three continued to converse, catching each other up with their own activities. Discussing the day's events and thinking about the future. Though this was an easy day, the threat of the hunters still loomed over them. However, as the three continued to talk, Hiccup found himself unable to focus on their conversation. He could only think about the familiar force pulling on his mind. The sensation was all too familiar as his mind began to wander away from his friends.

Their words seemed muffled like they had been submerged in water. A dulling aching was slowly making its way through his mind, leaving him unable to contribute anything to the two Vikings standing in front of him. The whole world seemed to fog over before memories began flooding through him with the force of rapids. He could see and feel everything from the past. From the one day that had altered his life from then on.

Astrid and Snotlout's stares were the only thing that brought him painfully back to reality.

They seemed concerned, even Snotlout's look was genuine. Suddenly, Hiccup was regretting ever coming out of his hut. "Hiccup, are you okay?" Astrid started, but Hiccup was quick to cut her off. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Could you guys just... excuse me for a moment." He said before turning and swiftly heading back to his hut, not even giving her a chance to say anything.

All he could do on the long walk back to his hut was pray that this time wouldn't be different than any other in recent years.


Astrid and Snotlout had been stunned by Hiccup's quick retreat, neither making an effort to so much as step forward. They shared a concerned glance before Astrid spoke up. "Well, that was... strange," She said.

Snotlout nodded in agreement. "Even by Hiccup standards."

Astrid sighed before grabbing her axe and heading in the direction her beloved had gone. 

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