Chapter 1: Pilot.

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          Today is Saturday, the 5th of April, in the year of 2020. I had to take an extra shift, so I was able to pay for rent this month. It sucks living on my own. I miss my mother, but sadly, I could no longer live with her. She was angry with how careless I have been these past few months. I've been smoking, drinking, and sleeping around. At least I got my karma for it. I'm pregnant and barely have a decent place for the baby. I hadn't even thought of a name. "JUNIPER!! BREAK IS OVER! GET BACK TO WORK!" My boss was bellowing again.. I still had 15 minutes left.. oh well. 

        I threw out my unfinished soda, and put my apron back on. I proceeded out of the break room's door, and head towards the cash register. A tall, skinny male approached the register, and it seemed to distract me for a second. His face shape was slender, and his skin was pale, but it somehow made him even more attractive. "Hello! Welcome to xxxx Coffee Shop. How may I assist you today?" He looked up at the menu, then right back down to me. "I'll have a decaf. Two packs raw sugar, not stirred, add an extra shot, and no cream. I like my coffee nice and black." He then looked back down at his phone. I jotted down his order then smiled at him and replied with the price. He smiled back.

          "Hey, might I ask for your name?" He then asked, looking back up from his phone, and putting it in his pocket. "U-uhm.." I hesitated a moment. "Juniper.. Juniper Black." I got nervous. My name wasn't the most common in the world. "I'll see you around, Juni." He winked, then walked away with his coffee as the other barista had rung it up. I gulped. No one had ever winked at me like that. It felt.. different, but a good kind of different. I hope to see him again.

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