Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Third Person

Thankfully for Adrian's sake, her school day has finally come to an end. She felt drained, so mentally exhausted. She used a lot of excessive anxious energy today, all she wanted to do now was get out of this ratchet place and take a nap.

She didn't want to associate herself with any more people, she was peopled out. At home she could do and feel as she pleased, here at this school she felt restricted. Almost like she had a tight rope tied around her holding her in place. When she moved, it felt robotic.

Adrian always had this problem, when too many people were around she felt confined. She avoided looking anybody in the eye at all costs when she walked she held tight to herself keeping her arms in so she didn't touch or bump into others.

When the bell chimed she carelessly threw her belongings into her book bag. She waited as the girls and boys around her all crowded towards the door at the same time. Adrian didn't want to be nudged or jostled around, so she waited until the last two people filed out. Then she meekly strolled out as well.

When Adrian got into the hall she was lucky to see the heavy crowd had simmered to a few people here and there. She made a mental note that from now on, every day after school she would wait patiently like she just did today to avoid the mob of careless high school students.

Adrian navigated the pretty vacant halls, in search of the exit. All the other kids wasted no time getting out of this place. The minimum that were left are probably athletes, club kids, or the naughty ones with detention.

As Adrian searches for the exit, trying desperately to remember where it is, a tall blonde boy strolls down opposite coming in her direction. She quickly glances away from him, she doesn't want to be noticed.

She watches her shoes like they're the most interesting thing in the world. The sound of his shoes smacking the linoleum floor become louder as they get closer to each other. Until suddenly Adrian stops when she notices another pair of shoes in front of hers, that were not her own. They were blocking her from being able to move forward.

Her eyes lift looking through her light lashes as to why these shoes are blocking her way. The blonde boy stood in front of her, now on her side of the hall. His eyes were on her, scanning her face. A smile curved onto this boy's lips, for some reason, Adrian felt unnerved by it.

Under his gaze, she felt small and jittery, she didn't like it. Why was he in her way?

"I haven't seen you around before sweetness." His voice was husky. Adrian blinked at the name sweetness, she didn't care for it. She took a step back, giving them some much-needed space. He was making her super uncomfortable.

Not receiving nor comprehending the signal, the blonde boy took a step closer, filling the gap Adrian just tried to create. She was now getting nervous, her palms moistening with sweat. "A pretty girl like you must have a name." He lets outs.

She gulps. "A-Adrian."

His smile widened as Adrian gave him her name. She once again steps back, she just wanted to go home and this boy was stopping her from doing so.

This time the boy takes another step forward putting one arm on the locker. Adrian's blood runs cold, why was he so close? He leaned in towards her shoulder. "That's a very nice name, sweetness."

Heat rises to Adrian's cheeks and not the good kind. This heat was an 'I need space' heat. One last time Adrian attempts to take a step back, but this time her back collides with the metal locker making a small thump.

Her eyes widen as he moves his other arm trapping her against the locker. Her heart began to race, she wanted to cry. What was this boy doing?

"I-I have t-to go home." She stuttered, wanting to get out of this situation.

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