I couldn't believe my luck, James had been suspended for three days. three whole days!
I was so happy, my friends kept asking why I was so happy I couldn't tell them so I just shrugged. we'd been here for 3 weeks already and today was going to be the first day I enjoyed myself.
*ding* I heard my phone go off in my pocket "damn it! I thought i'd put it on silent!" I got it out and checked the message *hi Sara.* oh why? I chose not to reply to him, he wasn't going to ruin today when he wasn't even here! I turned my phone off I wouldn't need it until after school anyway!
first period rolled by in a flash, it was only English and I made a couple of friends who cam to sit withbus at lunch - Rory had surfer long, Brown hair and green eyes, his parents owned some mechanic business and we immediately hit it off, Sam was quiter than Rory and had blonde hair and blue eyes, his family were big in the Church, he and Lilly got along really well- we all walked to recess together these two were actually really funny, they already had a group of friends so we sat with them. there was about 8 of them in all, making 12 when Jayne came over from seeing her boyfriend and Tara finally got out of class. it was a nice mix of people and everyone seemed to get along just fine.
we had our next 2 periods together, Health and science, our group made up half of the classes & being an even number we all had someone to sit next to. In health we were learning about the systems that make our body function we'd already covered respiratory and digestive, this week we were doing reproductive systems, this earned a "woop!" from the boys and a mix of "eww" and "really?" from the girls. our teacher droned on about periods and wet dreams, earning herself a lot of laughs from the girls and a lot more "ewww"s from everybody!
science was as boring as ever, we were learning about plants and photosynthesis, I could tell that this bunch of people we were sitting with were going to be a huge distraction in all our classes.
I was definitely roght about these people being distracting, I don't think I've ever done so little work across 2 hours before. oh well, at lunch we all made chip sandwiches and played touch on the oval, girls won!
last two periods went by a lot slower. I didn't know anyone in maths or geography, probably a good thing since those 2 are my worst subjects! when the bell rang I was almost disappointed that there were only 2 more days of this before James was back. I turned my phone back on to call mum & find out if Hamish and I had to get the bus or not. 4 messages; *sara.*
*answer me when I talk to you*
*hi honey, can you please get the bus today? I have to work late*
*don't worry baby, mum says I have to stay at your place while i'm suspended cos she has to work*
I replied to mum as I heard the all to familiar drone. "hi Sara, so you DID have your phone," he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, "why didn't you answer me, baby?"
"i was busy enjoying school without you here"
"oh but Sara!" *pinch*
"ouch! that's going to bruise! why can't you harass someone else?!"
"because you're so feisty!"
"fuck off!"
Hamish walked up to us at that point, causing James to let me go and saunter off to the bus, we followed.
great! just fucking awesome, now my only escape is school for the next 2 days! where is all this bad karma coming from? I sighed and sat next to Jayne on the bus.