Sagittarius From A To Z
A - Accredited
B - Blithe
C - Charismatic
D - Designer
E - Effortless
F - Fashionable
G - Good-natured
H - Highest
I - Individualistic
J - Judicious
K - Knowable
L - Legible
M - Mannerly
N - Nonchalant
O - Observant
P - Peaceful
Q - Quintessential
R - Reachable
S - Scintillating
T - Tailor-made
U - Unconventional
V - Vibratile
W - Well-built
X - Xtra cute tbh
Y - Yappy
Z - Zestful
Zodiac Signs
RandomFacts, Descriptions, 'Signs As', And Other Fun Things About The 12 Zodiac Signs! Book 4 NOT ALL MINE* Creds to original authors *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing thei...