Main idea: Alison and Courtney are Identical twins. (BOOK REEFERNCE)
I believe they are twins for many reasons. I think that the one all the girls are friends with is Courtney and The other one is the real Alison.
- First, in the haloween episode from last year the story that "Alison" (Courtney) told was that there were two blonde twins fighting over a doll. One of them was mental and stabbed the sister. The parents had no choice but to send "Alison" (Courtney) to the Radley Sanitarium. If you have read the books you will discover that The real Alison stopped being friends with two girls who she was best friends with in 6th grade. In the story "Alison" (Courtney) escaped the mental instituiton. "Alison" (Courtney) came back to visit her family before 7th grade started. She was in the mental instituiton because she was always pretending to be Alison. When the time came to send her back, "Alison" (Courtney) managed to pretend to be Alison and the real one is pleading that she is the real Alison which only causes their parents to send the real Alison back instead of Courtney.
Now Courtney cannot be friends with those two other girls because she knows nothing. So she goes and makes friends with Aria, Spencer, Hannah, and Emily.
On a documentary video Sasha Pieterse (Alison Dilaurentis) says that there are clues in Alison's bedroom. If you look closely in the Haloween episode from last year there is a picture that is "Alison", Jason and then "Alison" again. That's really weird so I figured that it is Alison and Courtney.
"Alison" (Courtney) manages to get secrets out of the girls which she writes in her diary.
I think that Jenna has some sort of insanity. First, in The Haloween episode from last year Emily asks Toby what her stepsister is like and he says "She always gets what she wants." I, along with other fans believe that this is a mental disease. She wants to BE with her STEPBROTHER also that is strange. Jenna sometimes acts sweet but she really has a dark side. Anyways, so I believe that Jenna was is the Radley Sanitarium with the real Alison and they became friends. Best friends even. The real Alison tells Jenna that Courtney is pretending to be her and stole her life and whatever. So Jenna then gets released out to help her best friend.
Mona obviously dislikes "Alison" (Courtney) because she was so mean to Mona. Jenna then informs Mona that they are twins and what Ali told her at Radley. The two of them begin an "A" team shortly after with a few others which i will talk about next part. In the Haloween episode from last year "Alison" (Courtney) recieves a note inside a doll that looked like it was from the mental hospital in the mail. It read "It's my turn to torture you." Notice how the note was not signed "A". It was implying about how Mona was going to get back at her. "Alison" (Courtney) was then scared in that episode because she knew that people now knew the changing lives secret.
Jenna was blinded by the firework causing her to hate "Alison" (Courtney) even more. When "Alison" (Courtney) was talking to Toby (who knows because Jenna told him about the twins) about something but the show dosen't really show you. I think she was saying that you can't say that it was me who blinded her or about the twins or I will reveal the tapes between you and Jenna. Toby agreed to keep it.
Next Idea: What really happened the night of "Alison" (Courtney)s dissapearance
More Later! Any questions/comments on my theory so far?