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Camille's POV The magnificent Seven
I was supposed to walk in the motel with Dylan and the doorknob broke off. "I broke it." I said. "Better then the door falling off." Dylan said. "Of course." I said. We were now walking through the house and I tripped and fell into Nicholas and Monica. "My bad." I said. "You clumsy little girl." Nicholas said laughing I smiled. I had to wear purple contacts. "I thought contacts improved vision." I said. "These don't." Bob said. I swung the blade and it got stuck in the wall. "Did I get him?" I asked. "No." Dylan said laughing.
The Kids Are Alright
I was sitting in the diner eating a burger and fries. "Hungry?" Danielle asked. "I didn't eat breakfast." I said. Karen and Katie walked in for the scene. "Fuck what's our line?" Karen asked. "There is a children present." Katie said pointing to Jared and I. "Good to know Jared is a child." I said to them they laughed. I was stuffed in a car with too many people. "No one breath." I said. "Too many people." Dylan said.
Bad Day At Black Rock
We were doing a diner scene and Jared had to get fake hot coffee split on him and Jared over reacted. Jensen and I looked at him. "Other people have lines you moron." We said in unison. I was now tied to a chair and the chair actually broke. "Ow." I said as my butt his ground. "Cammy's having an actual bad day." Dylan joked. "Screw you Sprayberry." I said smirking and laughing.
Sin City
We were now sitting in the fake Mr. Hero's. "Food finally flew in." Dylan joked. "Hey whenever there is a convention in Ohio this place is the best." I said eating a Roman Burger. I now had to be on top of the ceiling. "I better not pass out from blood rushing to my head." I said. "You aren't upside down." Eric said. "I know but still." I said.
Bedtime Stories
They changed my wig so I had now red hair. I stormed out of the bathroom and the wig fell off. "Wig." Everyone yelled. "My bad." I said and they made sure it stayed on. I sighed and laughing. I was now on a boat with Dylan as we fake fought pirates and I kicked someone off the boat actually. "I'm sorry." I said apologetically. "It's fine kid." The man said smiling. I had to have the boy kiss me and he did but it wasn't good. "Again." Bob said. He kissed me again. "Perfect." Bob said.
Red Sky At Morning
I had to walk downstairs in heels well I tripped and started rolling and I didn't stop to I hit the wall. "I'm okay barely." I said giving a thumbs up. "Well she's okay." Jensen said. "That probably hurt." Danielle said. "Oh trust me it did." I said standing up. "You had to put her in heels?" Jared asked. "Yes." The crew said.
Memory Lane Or Memory Hell
I had to run through doors and I tripped through one. "How can you be so clumsy?" Bob said. "The floor is a bully." I said rubbing my head. "Of course." They said. I had to do a scene with Kylee Bryant. "You seem like a lovely girl." I said with a fake british accent. "Mille how much sleep did you get last night?" Jared asked. "None." I said. "Cut." Bob said. I was now looking at the body and I felt a foot on my back. "Jared or Jensen remove the foot." I said. "No." They said. I rolled my eyes.
Fresh Blood
I had dodge actual bullets and one accidentally grazed me. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled and the on set doctor fixed me up. "Okay my bad." The one guy said. "It's fine it just hurt badly." I said shrugging. We had to do the fight scene with Gordon I bumped into an old car door that fell I tried to grab it but the glass shattered. "Sorry." I said embarrassed that something like that happened. We now did the one scene with Sara Bareilles and I'm not trying to freak out. "Are you okay?" Sara asked. "I'm a huge fan." I said. "Cut, Camille go gather yourself." Bob said.
A Very Supernatural Christmas
I had to do a scene about Christmas origins. "I now want to get drunk in the woods." Dylan said. "Same." I said. "Cut." Bob said. We were now tied up in a chair. I slipped out of the ropes. "I'm free." I said going to run but the guest stars grabbed me. "We are not adding that." Bob laughed at me being a weirdo. We were now exchanging gifts and I got a Percy Jackson book. "Good I need more books." I said. "Nerd." Jensen said. "At least I don't swear in my sleep." I said. "You swear in your sleep?" Sara asked Jensen. "Shut up." Jensen said and we laughed at that.
Malleus Maleficarum
I had to do a scene where I looked for a hex bag. "Why do I always have to be under a sink?" I asked. "You're small." Dylan replied. We were now in a harness and I had in the purple contacts. "Great two forms of discomfort." I said. "Suck it up, Camille you signed a contract." Karen laughed.
Dream A Little Dream Of Me
We had to go in Hades dream and it looked sad. "Looks like it needs a woman touch." Dylan said. "Dyl you are not a woman." Monica said. "I basically act with them a crap ton." Dylan said. I laughed at that. We were now in my dream and I had to pretend to show the guy his worst nightmare. "Move a little further away." Bob said. I moved back. "Perfect." Bob said. We had to do a scene with Monica not liking Bela. "You thigh!" Monica yelled. "Couldn't think of anything else?" Jared asked. "I forgot my line." Monica said.
Mystery Spot
We got to do another episode with my uncle Rich when we had him pinned to the wall I accidentally kneed him. "Be glad you're my niece." He said. "Not only that, your favorite niece." I said. "Debatable." He said. I pretended to be offended.
Jus In Bello
We had to let Karen and Katie walk around and I was in Karen's way so she lightly moved me. "Thanks for not shoving me. "I'm a nice person." She said ruffling my hair.
Dylan and I annoyed a ghost and we started pretending to be a loving couple. "Hey the two wackados air." Jared said. "We are fine." I said. "No we are not." Dylan said. I nodded.
Long Distance Call
I was in a car with Dylan as he got the call from his dad Bill Harvelle, it finished. "Your dad sounds like Chris Evans." I said. I found rope in the props and I tied it around Danielle and Jared while they did a scene. "Lasso of truth bitches!" I yelled and ran. "Camille!" I heard a yell and I laughed. I had to kill a guy and he actually punched me. "You asshole." I said holding my eye.
Time Is On My Side
I actually got to head butt a guy and we ran over a fake body and I had makeup for my lips sewed shut. "Wig." Sara commented. "Of course." I said and they fixed that again. Bela died and Dylan and I started singing. "Ding dong the witch is dead."
No Rest Of The Wicked
Jensen was getting killed and instead of crying I was laughing. "Quite laughing at morbid scenes." Jared said. "I can't help it." I said.

A\N:Well that's all folks for this book and Ashes Of Screts already has the cast and couples chapters are posted.

Against Time (3rd book in Winchester Girl) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora