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           I looked at the information, then at Cara. "So, how should we do this?"

          Nash spoke up, "I've been talking to Ciara, someone with more power than David. She said he's been acting fishy for a while. She's also against wiping the factions' minds."

          "How do you know her?" Caleb asked, and I heard a tinge of jealousy.

         "She's my sister," Nash said, and we just looked at him for a couple minutes. 

         Caleb blinked, "Oh, okay. I didn't know you had a sister."

         "Well, now you know. Hopefully, you can find it in yourself to trust me." Nash said irritably.

         Peter smirked, "Guys, if you want couple's therapy, schedule an appointment with Tobias another time. Right now, we've got to get work done."

        "Yeah," my boyfriend nodded, then, "Wait a second, with me? I'm not a couples' therapist."

       "Oops, my bad," Peter said. "Most couples' therapists tend to be big, buff, soft idiots so I guess I accidentally made a generalization."

       Tobias nodded, then, "Hey! I'm not stupid! Tris, stand up for me, please."

       I shrugged, "I don't know, Peter's pretty accurate about these things."

       Cara rolled her eyes, "If Cash want to go to couple's therapy, I know someone here who runs it. Can we please get back to work?"

       "Cash?" I asked. 

       "I know, it's not as good as yours and Toby's, but I didn't like Naleb." Cara explained, and I nodded, amused by her nickname for Tobias. 

        "Taking credit for my  natural talent in Creating Ship Names," Christina whined. "I spent so long coming up with that."

       "Y'all seem to enjoy making fun of me," Tobias said, fake pouting.

      "It's a lot of fun," I said. "Anyways, about the dirt and Nash's sister-not-girlfriend Ciara, do we schedule an appointment or something?"

      Nash nodded, "Yeah. I've taken care of that. We're meeting her in half an hour, in this room."

      "Gee, thanks for the heads up," Peter muttered, but we all ignored him. 

      We sorted out the evidence, noting key points, separating different pieces, and with 5 minutes left, we all stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

      "I can perform for everyone," Nash suggested.

      "In 5 minutes?" Peter asked.

      "It's a flexible piece," Nash said. "It can be as short or long as circumstance allows. 

      I shrugged, "Fine by me. Watching my brother's boyfriend make fun of himself is one of my favorite hobbies."

     "Caleb, if you would join me," Nash said, and we all watched horrified as a makeout session took place.

     "That's your definition of performance?" Tobias asked, clearly disgusted. "Though, in that case, maybe Tris and I can perform as well."

      "Never in your wildest dreams," I retorted, covering my eyes, and I was overjoyed when a knock on the door was heard.

      "Nash? It's Ciara," I heard a voice, everyone snapped to attention. Cash finally stopped with their disgusting public display of affection, and Nash straightened himself out to open the door.

      A girl, maybe in her mid-twenties, walked in. She had the same dark brown hair Nash did, with the same pale complexion, but that was where the similarities ended. Nash had kaleidoscope eyes, changing color all the time, making it impossible to label his eye color. Ciara, however, had crystal blue eyes, unchanging. Also, she had freckles dotting her face, and was shorter than Nash. 

      "Good to see you, sis," Nash smiled. "This is my boyfriend, Caleb, and my friends, Tris, Tobias, Peter, Cara and Christina. He gestured to each of us, and then, "Guys, this is my little sister Ciara."

      "Big sister, actually," Ciara said, "but whatever. Y'all have some dirt on David?"

       "Yeah," Cara said. We walked through the evidence with her, and Ciara nodded, chewing on the tip of her pen, jotting down notes. "One last thing," she said after we finished going over everything.

       "I'd like to take the evidence with me, so I have legitimate proof to present to the leader of the Bureau." Ciara said, and we all nodded. Cara handed over the printed evidence, and then gave her complete access to the online evidence.

       Ciara left without saying another word, but this time, it was Nash's turn to look anxious. "Guys, I'm going to sleep. I'm tired. See y'all in the morning."

       I found it a bit fishy, but I shrugged it off. It was Nash being Nash. Wasn't it?


A/N: Sorry it took so long to update! I've been really busy lately, and I've been trying to figure out where I'm going with this story. Writer's block, you know? Anyways, make sure to let me know what you think. Don't forget to Follow, Vote and Comment! 


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