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Going to school the next day had been too much of a chore

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Going to school the next day had been too much of a chore. Cassandra knew that everyone in the household could tell that she wasn't going to come out of her room to go there. Especially Edward, who with his ability to read minds, was laughing downstairs before he was standing right outside of her room, knocking to be let in.

She scowled, "I'm not going,"

"You have to," He knocked again.

"Well, mom, I already know every single thing they teach in that hellhole so no, I'm not going," She knocked back just to annoy him.

He groaned, "We have to go. Do you think we still want to go after all this time? We just don't want to start rumours,"

"So, not going to school one day is going to create rumours?"

"You know it's different for us," She did, she did know that. Everyone seemed to follow all of their movements. They always talked about their clothes, their skin, not eating at lunch. She could tell, she could feel every single stare and that's exactly why she didn't want to go.

But she knew she had to. She quickly changed into a new outfit – which would most definitely be approved by Alice – before she opened the door and noticed Edward wasn't there anymore. She walked downstairs, her boots making noise as she did so and she gave Esme a small smile before she followed the others to their cars. She wasn't in the mood to drive her car.

She frowned before getting into the back seat of Emmett's truck. "I fucking hate this," Rosalie hummed, clearly used to her antics while Emmett laughed from the driver's seat.

"You know you can just say you want to be homeschooled and then be done with high school," he said, starting the car.

"I know but I'll miss you guys!"

"How about this? Next time we move, we both take a break. We say we're being homeschooled to anyone that asks and bam, we can have all the fun you want!" Rosalie laughed at her boyfriend's suggestion and flicked him on the head, earning a 'hey!' from him.

She laughed, before turning her attention towards the building that soon came into view. Oh, how she wished to set it on fire...

Emmett, all of a sudden, slammed on the brakes and Cassandra without even thinking was out of the car in seconds after it came into a full stop. She could feel some students looking at them but she ignored them and turned to Emmett who just got out of the car too. "What the fuck was that?"

He gestured with his head behind her and that's when she caught their scents. Two wolves that were leaning against a pickup truck. She stopped breathing, not taking the wet dog smell well. What problemed her was the fact that only one of them had that smell. The other one actually smelled pretty good.

They were both wet as if someone had poured a dozen buckets of water on them but the one on the left was the one that caught her eye. He was... breathtaking to say at least. His brown hair covering his forehead from the water and he kept pushing them back, some jean shorts stuck loosely on his hips too. A white shirt with no sleeves – it looked like he had ripped them himself – hugged his chest tightly as if it was a size smaller. He looked like a God.

Now, that was one thing she heard too often but usually, people used that to comment Carlisle or Edward or any other male in her family.

She noticed Bella and Edward make their way towards them and without even realizing so, she moved to follow. "Hey" she heard Bella say. Jacob nodded before speaking, making Cassandra roll her eyes at him for being so rude. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else – which was true – but she could tell his actions were hurting the young brunette in front of her. "Charlie said you left town,"

The human girl nodded, "I was visiting my mum."

Edward chuckled bitterly. "He is checking to see if you are still human,"

Cassandra chuckled, making her presence known to everyone. "Don't worry, Jacob. Edward is against it too,"

The guy next to Jacob turned his attention from the ground to her the moment she started speaking. She never met his eyes again, afraid of what would happen. If she had a heartbeat, she had a feeling its speed would skyrocket right then and there.

"Look! We're here to warn you," Jacob all but growled, "If your kind, crosses our land again..."

But he was cut off by the angry ginger vampire, "Just leave it alone Jacob" Edward snapped.

"What?" Bella looked confused and Cassandra almost moved to tell her when she noticed Edward staring at her, telling her no.

The Black boy looked angry. "You didn't tell her" The other male placed a hand on his friend's shoulder as if to calm him but Jacob shook it off, making him sigh.

"Just leave it alone, Jacob" Edward took a threatening step. Cassandra moved to stand between the two, not wanting to cause a scene in front of the whole school. Where the hell were the others?

"She is the one the redhead wants" Jacob pointed at his crush, everyone knew about that.

Bella's eyes widen as she looked scared, not even bothering to cover it. "Victoria?"

The golden-eyed vampire looked down and sighed. "I wanted to protect you-"

"By lying to me?" she then, turned to Jacob, "And you! Why aren't you answering my calls?"

Jacob sighed, knowing she was going to ask that. He stepped back towards the truck and gestured something at the other male who sighed and then, moved away from the door to the driver's seat.

"I had nothing to say" he simply said, leaning on the truck. He put his hands in his pockets, looking everywhere than Bella.

"Well, I have tons" Jacob got inside the truck and mentioned that she followed him. Bella made her way to get inside when Edward tried to stop her.

Her attention was taken away from the couple when she noticed movement next to her. She glanced at the other werewolf who had moved to stand next to her, "Can I talk to you privately?"

"Eh, yeah, sure," Unsure of what else to say. She could've declined, she knew that but something inside of her told her that she needed to hear what he had to say. She followed after him towards the woods and only glanced back once to see Edward staring at her with the truck and Bella nowhere in sight.

She nodded at him, he grimaced. "Be careful,"

She gave him a smile.

They walked for a while before she stopped to sit down on a big tree root. "What's up?"

The male looked tired like he hadn't slept all night and she guessed he had probably been tracking Victoria all night. Oh, that's probably what he wanted to talk about, she thought.

"My name's Jared," he mumbled while pacing in front of her.

She chuckled with her eyebrows raised, "Hi, I'm Cassandra?" What was the meaning of this conversation?

He looked troubled, his arms moved around a lot as he paced and she couldn't seem to want to take her eyes off him. He looked really good. "And... Look, I don't know how to say this without you lashing out and hitting me but you're my imprint,"

Well, shit.

Well, shit

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