Mark's P.O.V
I was looking at my phone, when she put a water bottle in my lap. Did she do this on purpose? I look over to see her setting out some kind of meat....Meat!!! Yay!!! Any way, she also set out rice, an egg omlet, and green leaves. She suddenly looks at me with this cute face, and says,"Grab what you want, but don't eat it all!" So I grab a leaf, put some rice in it, put a piece of the egg on the rice, taste the mysterious meat. Oh, that's bo saam!!! I put some on the leaf as well. Then after I wrap it, I put it in her mouth unconciously, then eat from the same end without thinking abut it. As soon as I look at her, she is blushing slightly. I quckly look away, feeling a little red as well. When we finish eating, I get up, and offer my hand to her. She looks surprised, but I wait for her. The only reasons that I may seem cold to people is because, I don't really pay attention in class, and if a girl gives me something, I brush it off. I have good reason though. Okay picture this, you are a popular guy in school, but all you get from guys is snive remarks, and you have girls always giving you things that you know in the long run, won't mean ANYTHING!! That is where the title "Cold King" came from. She is about to put her jacket back on, when I say,"Don't put you jacket back look better without it." I mumble that last part under my breath, when she says,"What?" I immediately say,"Nothing!" she starts laughing and says,"Oppa, you're blushing!" She called me oppa.
Nicole's P.O.V
So when we get back inside, we still have 15 minutes, so I decide to say,"Mark, when we were sitting down, yo- " "Your leg was very warm. It felt nice, but don't tell ANYONE I said that please!!!" I watched as he turned a cute color red on his cheeks. He started to walk away, when I said,"Hey!" "What??" "I wouldn't tell a soul, even if my life depended on it!!" Then I shoot him a wink that makes him blush even harder. As I turn around, I get a little red.
Jackson's P.O.V
I can't believe he just left me in the line like that!!!! Why, why did he leave? He probably went to the bathroom. When I come out of the line, I go to sit by my other groupmates. There is JB, Jr.,BamBam, Youngjae, and Yugyeom. I sit down, when JB asks me,"Jackson, where is Mark?" "I don't know, he just left me in the line!" Like a half hour later, Mark comes back, and sits down without a word. "Hey Mark, come with me to my locker!" I say, to keep him from possibly getting scolded in the lunchroom. We get to my locker, and I ask him,"Where were you man?" "I wasn't, ok, this girl wanted to give me chocolate, and I turned her down!!!! Damn, Jackson why do you ask so many questions?!?!" After he leaves, I see this girl down the hall crying. Was she the girl?! I run down to her, and ask her,"Are you okay?" She shook her head and said in this very cold, violent tone,"Pretty Boys SUCK!!"

A meeting by Chance.......( A Mark Tuan Story) COMPLETE
FanfictionHello!!!!! This is my first time writing a Got7 fanfic(actually it's like Mark Tuan, but Got7 is included), so please read!!!!