A/N- The events in Chapters 1 and 2 are happening at the same time. So while you read this chapter, keep in mind Chapter 1's events are actually going on too. :)
Adrian's Point-of-View
I can hear late summer birds chirping off in the distance as I stroll up to my dad's front porch. I haven't visited them since that past spring when my brother came up from Los Angeles. I ring the doorbell as I flick a fly out of my dirty blonde hair.
Ten seconds later, my Aunt Tina opens the bulky front door. When our eyes meet, she gives me a welcoming grin and gestures for me to come in. I step inside of the cozy house that I spent my teenage years in. My Aunt hugs me, and I return the favor.
"I guess you've heard that your brother's in town," she says to me as she walks over to the leather sofa on my left.
Shocked, I say, "No, actually. I did not know Daniel was in town."
"So you just wanted to stop by and say hello?"
"Sorry, Aunt Tina. That's not it either. I need to speak to you with my father in the room."
"Well, he went to run some errands about an hour ago. I'm guessing he'll be back soon."
"Can you give me a number?"
"Maybe about a half hour or so."
"So what should we do until he gets back?"
"Why don't we play some checkers? You used to love doing that. Or maybe you could help me with the garden out back?"
I shake my head. "No thanks."
She lets out a big sigh and mumbles, "Okay then. Just hang around by yourself."
She springs up from the couch and heads for the kitchen. I sit myself down on the couch and drift off into a quick nap.
I wake up to a door opening abruptly behind me. I hear a man step in with a few bags of groceries on his arms. It's my dad.
He completely ignores my presence and continues into the kitchen with the groceries.
I slowly bring myself up from my nap and walk into the kitchen. I stand in the archway entering the cramped kitchen.
My dad places a bag of groceries onto a countertop and turns around. He looks me straight in the eyes and says, "Adrian? What are you doing here? When did you get here?"
"I came here to talk to you and Aunt Tina. It's kind of important," I reply formally.
My dad spits out a little joke. "Did you run out of toilet paper and can't afford any?"
I stifle a laugh and say, "No, dad. Can we talk about this with Aunt Tina?"
"I'll holler her in."
My dad walks over to the back porch exit and yells, "Hey, Tina! Adrian needs to have a chat with the both of us!"
Aunt Tina scurries inside, taking off her sunhat and gardening gloves.
"What do you need, Adrian?" she questions me kindly. Aunt Tina always knows how to make me feel at home.
"A few days ago I got a notice from my apartment complex. My lease is running out, and I need a new place to stay. I was wondering..." I start, then someone rings the doorbell.
"I'll get it," my dad states as he runs over to the door. My aunt and I follow into the living room and have a seat on the leather couch.
My dad swings the door open. My brother and his family are standing out on the porch, all with big grins on their faces.
"Dad! It's great to see you!" he exclaims. "And you too, Aunt Tina."
"Ahem," I mumble intentionally.
Daniel and his family looks over at me while they creep inside.
"Adrian! Still living at home, I see. No shame, bud. I left at twenty-two," he says to me rudely.
I stand up with force and an annoyed expression. "I"m twenty-five. And, like you, I'm just visiting."
"Twenty-five? And still no special lady?" he asks.
Irritated, I mumble, "I'm married to my job, Dan."
Aunt Tina tries to break up the imminent brawl brewing between us by saying, "Let's all just sit down together and talk this out. It certainly wouldn't hurt, would it?"
I sit back down on the couch next to my aunt. Daniel follows me and sits on the other side of her. His pregnant wife, Ingrid, takes their daughter, Sabrina, over to the small sofa shoved in the corner of the room. My dad stands to the right of the couch.
"Okay. Adrian, you can tell us the rest of your little dilemma. I'm sure Dan will be able to help, too," Aunt Tina reassures me.
"The lease on my apartment is almost over, so I need a new place to stay awhile," I say, knowing Daniel will make a comment about how I'm a "failure".
Instead, he shouts, "Bro! You can stay with us!"
I can see Ingrid scowling from the corner of my eye. She has never really liked me.
"Sorry, Daniel. I'm not ready to head for Los Angeles with you. I have a good job here," I turn him down.
"Obviously it's not good enough. You can't afford to keep your apartment!" he mocks.
"Did you listen to a god damned thing I just said? My lease is up!" I squall. "And I'm not moving in with you!"
Daniel frowns at me and backs down. Everyone is staring at me in utter disgust. They just can't handle my temper.
I jump up from the couch and stomp over to the front door.
"Where do you think you're going, Adrian?" my dad asks me, suspicious.
I ignore it and leave, slamming the door behind me.

Identity Infatuation
RomanceMichelle and Adrian have been neighbors for over five years, but they've never met. That is until one night when they both step outside their homes at the same time and introduce themselves. Michelle quickly falls "in love" with Adrian, but has no i...