Systems Failing: Rain Is The Enemy

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Mecha sighs quietly, the rain had been pouring for nearly four hours by this point, refusing to let up in the slightest as he sits there, vulnerable, being progressively broken by it, at this point he'd lost functionality in most of his body, being forced to now lay down, his vision completely faded and his auditory functions barely working once again, leaving him rather alone, leaving him unable to hear if he's in danger, unable to feel if he's in danger.
"Hello? Are you ok?" A voice calls out, something Mecha barely hears, in attempting to respond his vocal systems merely spark and produce a low groaning sound, he could feel it though, his ability to feel just about there enough to feel the movements in the ground, something approaching him, something he couldn't do anything about.

"Oh my, what in the world are you ...?" A soft female voice asks, something felt touching his body, he's able to feel her touching him, feeling over his body with what feels like paws, maybe? He couldn't quite tell.
"Come, let's get you out of the rain shall we" She coos softly, managing to help his body move, he decides to simply go along with it, letting her move him, rerouting most of his power to any movement he could muster to help move with her, knowing his mechanical frame likely wasn't exactly light, confirmed by the "Geez, you're heavy for something that's so little ..." That comes from her as she helps him to his paws.

Time Elapsed - 1 Hour 12 Minutes.

Finally his body had stopped moving, stopped being guided, he could finally reroute power once again to his other systems, even if they barely worked anymore.
"...So this is my home, it's not much but it'll get you out of the rain and give me some time to try and help you" The female voice says as if continuing a sentece, likely having been conversing with Mecha the entire trip, something he'd not heard through their trip.
"Hmm, let's see if drying you off will help at all ... Guess it's a waiting game for that though" She giggles softly before seeming to think "If not I may have to take you to see a friend of mine" She says and walks around "I'll be back in a few hours, give you some time to dry off and see if it helps while I'm doing other things I need to do" She calls before she can be heard leaving the room, leaving Mecha all alone once again.

System Update: Several hours have passed.

Mechas vision has finally returned as has his movement and hearing, it seems the water didn't do any major damage, the one who'd helped him hadn't yet returned, though if what she'd suggested was true, she'd likely not be much longer now.
As he slowly looks around he studies his environment, he seemed to be in some form of cave, though the cave had decorations and designs in the rocks making it look more homely, strangely it comforted the mechanical being even if only a little.
As he studies the room he's in he notices what looks like passages to other rooms, though his legs still refused to move at the moment leaving him stuck in place, from his position he could see a little into two connected rooms, one seemed to be some form of bathing area, full of water or some form of pool, somewhere he desperately wanted to avoid since the rain had done so much damage; The other room seemed to be some form of living quarters with a form of seating, looking to be made from branches, rocks and possibly some form of wool to provide some comfort as was the same with the bedding he's laid on.
"It seems she provided me with her resting area ... I do hope I can make my body move again soon, I'd hate to take her resting spot when she wants to sleep" He says quietly to himself, his voice managing to stay fairly stable as he speaks, although the tones of his voice had faded again leaving just a dull singular tone once again.

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