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Days later, the same soft music that played for Nova's naming coronation now plays throughout Asgard for her coronation to become queen. Banners hang on buildings that were previously bare. Flags flap around in the wind. People are leaving their houses and talking to each other, excited about the events forthcoming. Noise fills the streets once more as the doors start opening to the palace.

Directly under the throne room is a gloomily lit hall where banners hang on either side to form a corridor down the middle of the fire lit room. Nova strides down the hall wearing cleaner and more elegant battle armor; her family crest is imprinted on the clasps of her cape. Hammer in hand, she reaches the end of a raised platform. An attendant hands her a goblet of wine but she denies it and continues forward--then thinks against it and accepts. She downs the thing quickly and holds onto the cup, her hand trembling. The attendant carefully takes the cup from her and offers her a small smile.

She proceeds down the hall to the center of it where Seth stands, waiting for her in his own battle armor. His carries the family crest too, only his is in a harder to find place and smaller than Nova's. As she approaches, he turns his attention towards her and smiles reassuringly. They stand together by a brazier at the foot of the steps that lead up to the crowded throne room.

"Well this is quite the change of pace," Seth remarks. Nova raises an eyebrow, her fingers clenching and unclenching around the hammer.

"What is?" she asks.

He smirks. "You being nervous."

"Me? Nervous? I'm not nervous," she denies. "Have you ever known me to be nervous?"

Seth raises an eyebrow. "You're rambling, dear cousin," he whispers, leaning closer to her ear. She bites the inside of her lip. He leans away. "And besides, there was that one time in Jotunheim where you bit off more than you could chew."

Nova gasps. "I did not! And I most certainly was not nervous!" His eyebrow raises higher and he starts rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "I'm definitely not nervous now!" Seth smirks and side eyes her. She groans, a few strands of hair falling into her face. She quickly brushes them back into her extravagant up-do. Seth starts laughing. She glances to him and raises an eyebrow to which he responds by pointing to her hair. She sighs. "Maybe I'm a little nervous," she admits defeatedly. "But how could I not be?"

He reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder. "You will do just fine as queen, Nova."

"Easy for you to say," she grumbles. "You're not the one becoming queen." He raises an eyebrow. She rolls her eyes. "You know what I mean." She kicks the ground. "Maybe you should just be king," she mumbles, her eyes widening as a sudden thought strikes her. He rolls his eyes. "It's your father who was just on the throne." He takes her hands in his and smiles at her.

"But he wasn't a proper king," he tells her. "You'd be the proper queen. The queen Asgard needs." He kisses her forehead. "You'll do great out there." She smiles slightly--almost smirking.

With a deep breath, Nova readjusts her hair, flattens out her cape, and flips Mjolnir around in her hand. She stands up straight, giving off a regal posture. She glances to Seth, a hopeful look in her eyes. "How do I look?" she asks.

Seth beams. "Like a queen." She smiles brightly. Seth goes to say something but gets cut off when they hear the blast of a ceremonial horn. "It's time." Nova nods; her hands begin to shake again.

They leave for the throne room together.


The Warriors Three, Tony, and Steve (who have been invited to stay in Asgard for the rest of their lives) stand above the crowd. Tony and Steve have donned similar suits to their Avengers uniforms only with an Asgardian twist placed on them. Their hands are clasped together at their sides--almost hidden. Though Nova said it was acceptable, Steve and Tony still take precaution. Asgardians as well as people from neighboring realms noisily wait for the arrival of the future queen. With another blast of the horn, the crowd goes silent as the Einherjar honor guard moves into formation. They part to reveal Sif sitting atop the throne, clad in full ceremonial armor. She holds the staff at her side.

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