Extracurriculars: Extra Fun or Extra Stress?

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                                                                   Imagine your idol was right in front of you for one second. What would you say to him or her? Maybe you would inquire on who they are dating, because you do not rely on gossipers and fake news. Or perhaps you might stand mute in front of them trying to muster up the courage to ask them for a simple scribble on a sheet of paper which they call an autograph. Or, if you're like me, you would probably ask them how what their experiences in their life affected them to be who they are, and inform them they have achieved their goal: to be inspiring to somebody. But the fact is, these celebrities were once normal human beings, just like you and me, with their own insecurities, flaws, strengths. And to get where they are today, at some point in their lives, they picked an extracurricular activity.

                                                                    These "extra" activities, contrary to popular belief, are not just there to impress your future headteacher when you hand over your college or university application, depending on which country you are from. These activities are designed to benefit the individual in some way or another in his or her life, even if they never pick it up again after finishing their education. One of these benefits includes mental health improvement. If you enjoy the activity, you should be 100% focused on it, therefore not worrying about other affairs happening in your life. There is also the fact that you will most likely meet individuals who are just as passionate about the chosen activity as you are, and you may make some friends, which is beneficial, especially if you are lonely at school, or just sick of seeing the same people over and over again.

                                                                   If you are sculpting a vase, for example, you probably will not lay your eyes off it, and try to make the most beautiful vase ever created. Then, if it turns out to be stellar quality, you have a present for your loved ones. Or maybe you want to keep it for yourself. Creative arts give you the satisfaction of feeling like you are in control of what you do, making you feel like you are a sort of mini-god watching over your mini-universe. Some instances of these types of activities include: drawing, painting, sculpting, graphic design, writing any form of literature, knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, crochet, sewing, cake decorating,  fashion design, etc.  These are called the visual arts. Some of these may sound old-fashioned, but the "woolen arts" are making a comeback in today's society, especially crochet. The most likely theory as to why this is happening, is because today's teenagers have finally gotten fed up of staring behind a plastic screen and have decided to show themselves that they are worthy, by making something for themselves or others. In turn, these hobbies teach you certain values such as patience, generosity, kindness and gentility.

                                                                      For those individuals who are more outgoing in nature, or those who are trying to overcome their shyness, there are the performing arts. These are activities in which you basically have to show something to a large audience. Activities fitting this description include: drama, singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, stand-up comedy and magic illusion.  Having these skills allows you to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people and giving a chance for people to notice you. You would also be giving a pleasure to others during your performance whether it is a rock concert, a play, a dance recital or a magic show to astonish even the most jaded of the audience. Picking up one of these activities also teaches you about persistence, showing up to rehearsals and perfecting your skill each time so that when you get to show it off, you will not fail to do so. Maybe you would feel like playing video games instead of practicing your routine for what seems to be the gazillionth time, but then you will realize that it will pay off when the big day arrives. And as that curtain closes for the last time, you will already feel the nostalgia for the performance and will look forward to the next one with all your heart and soul.

                                                                       If neither of those is your cup of tea, maybe you might consider trying out for a sport. With this kind of hobby, you will not only benefit from the mental health improvement, but, as a bonus, you will have physical benefits thrown in for good measure. When practicing the sport, you will definitely lose some calories, making it good for people who want to lose weight. It also helps that people who play sports get to eat more food than people who don't, so for all the food lovers out there who are pondering on whether to do it or not, here is your wake-up call. You will become stronger and develop your stamina and speed, depending on which sport you pick. Some options to choose from if you are interested include team sports for those who want a strong bond with other people around their age (like football, basketball, field hockey, ice hockey, handball, baseball, lacrosse, volleyball, rugby etc.), individual sports for those who want to focus on themselves and their own techniques (like tennis, badminton, squash, padel, cycling, swimming, figure skating, gymnastics, athletics etc.), martial arts (such as karate, kung-fu, judo, taekwondo, MMA, wrestling, boxing etc.) and mind sports (such as chess and checkers). There is literally a whole ball pit of sports to pick from, so find the one that suits you best and ace it.

                                                                        Gender has nothing to do on whether you can achieve something or not. There are many successful male ballet dancers and female rugby players, so do not, under any circumstances, allow stereotypes and forced social constructs stop you from pursuing your passions. Who knows, maybe you have the potential to be a world-class artist but because your peers might say that these people always end up poor, you turn away from what could have been a chance at proving yourself amazing and unlocking a talent that makes you you. And of course, there will be trials and tribulations to achieving your goals. You probably will end up at crossroads contemplating whether to quit or not. If the activity is causing you so much stress that you under eat, over eat, cannot sleep and/or is causing you to be depressed just by thinking about it , then obviously, for your health, quit and pursue something new. It will be a relief. Not everyone finds the hobby they love to do on the first try, but you have to try on the shoe to see if it fits. Otherwise, fight the urge to stop and remind yourself why you started in the first place. Then move on and try to master the next trial.

                                                                       Teenagers, my advice to you is to pick an activity because you want to do it, not because of peer pressure, as you won't enjoy it as much. You might say "No, I won't do an extracurricular because I have to study for my exams". Well, good news! It has been scientifically proven that extracurriculars actually improve exam performance! So what can I say, go ahead and try new things, because you only live on this earth once and if you don't step out there, you may regret it forever!

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