*Hiiiiiiii, heres the long-anticipated update! Was anyone even waiting for this at all or does no one care whatsoever? Regardless of my subtle inner-questioning, I had fun writing this part and I'm sure you'll love reading it too. Enjoy. *
Eva lays on her bed, her wet back sticking the the smooth fabric of the sheets. Her legs are spread open to invite her lover's affection. Soft moans flutter from her gaping mouth as Aiden works his magic on her womanhood, his tongue making angelic movements up and down the dripping folds between her sore legs. She gazed down at his wet and messy brown hair, watching his tongue do wonders on her delicate slit. She could still barely walk from the multiple poundings she was given, but his licking was at least making her feel a bit better. Eva tilts her head back onto her pillow, gasping louder as she reaches her climax. She releases onto Aiden's face, sighing softly as her body relaxes again. Aiden sits up, using her sheets to wipe the sticky juices off of his face. She looks at him curiously.
"You can clean these, silly. Plus, they're already ruined from last night" he says with a smirk, gesturing to the multiple splotches of cum dried into the sheets.
"Y-yah, you're right" Eva says shakily, still breathing heavily. She turns her face lazily to check the time on the alarm-click on her nightstand.
Her eyes open wide and she bolts upright. Aiden turns to her, puzzled.
"What is it?"
"I have a class at three and now it's two - fifty" she gasps, trying to get out of the bed and walk to her closet. Her weak legs make walking a challenge as her body shakes. Aiden hops off of the bed and picks her up, carrying her to the bed. He sets her back down, against her whimpering pleas.
"B-but I'll miss class, I can't miss class" she says, nervously glancing at the clock again.
"Which room is it in?" He asks, looking down at her with folded arms.
"It's in this RAP, a couple floors down, room 2348. M-maybe I can email that I'm sick or something, the med professor is pretty lenient."
Aiden smirks, gazing at her naked body with a curious look on his face.
"You should go to your class, it would be a shame to miss it." He says, picking her up and helping her get dressed again.
"I'll help you walk down there" he says reassuringly. She smiles nervously and nods. Once she was dressed in a skirt, panties, bra, and a shirt, he carries her back to the kitchen and puts his pants and shirt back on. Once he was ready, beckons her over to show her something. He opens his palm to show her a small pink vibrator with a clamp.
"I saw this in your room and thought it might be fun."
Before she could retaliate, he kneels down, lifts up her skirt, and pulls her panties down a bit to insert the vibrator. He attaches the clamp to her clit, making her gasp and almost fall over. He pulls the panties back up over her crotch and picks her up, leaving he room and carrying her down the hall.
"W-what's Daddy going to do with t-that?" She asks nervously.
"I'm wanna see if you'll be able to control yourself for me." He says, smiling warmly down at her as he steps into the elevator and selects the floor the lecture hall is in.
"I don't have a class right now, and med has so many students in it, I'll just pretend I'm in the class" he says as the elevator begins falling. After a few seconds of going down, the door opens again.
"Ok, now you need to try to walk."
He sets her down on her feet and takes her hand in his. They walk to the right room and enter the lecture hall. Eva sits in her regular seat and Aiden finds a seat in an empty row a couple rows above her. It was now two fifty-nine, and most of the students had arrived. The professor walked into the room last, setting a stack of books down on the desk and quieting the room. She was a tall, older woman with glasses, who wore a blouse and shiny earrings under her silver hair. As she said hello to the class and began introducing the lesson, Aiden looked down at Eva, who was sitting and rubbing her thighs together. Grinning to himself, he turns the vibrator on to the lowest setting, labeled on the remote as "Tickle." He watches as she looks up at him, biting her lip. She feels the little device in her beginning to vibrate softly.*Part 8 coming soon-ish. Maybe tomorrow.*

Not Just a One Night Stand
RomanceStarting college was a stressful time for her. Well, it was stressful until Aiden came into her life. Now instead of anxiety filling her body, she was filled with something else. Sit down, sip a glass of water or a cup of coffee or whatever, stuff a...