Chapter 1

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Ok guys this is the first time I write a story on here so let's see how this goes:) first of, this story will not quickly introduce the boys, it's gonna take a couple of chapters so hang in there.:)
Let's get started:) hope you guys like it:)

*Angie's point of view
"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things-" I stretched my hand out from under the covers to find the off button on my alarm clock. Ugh I hate Wednesdays with a passion and I don't know why. I laid in bed looking at the ceiling thinking about what I'd wear to school when my mom yelled from downstairs to get my butt out of bed or I'd be late for school again.
I walked towards the bathroom, turned the lights on and walked to the shower to turn it on, as I waited for the water to turn warm I looked at my self in the mirror. I'm not your average beauty queen or even consider myself pretty. Im the oldest of four. Me, my two brothers John and Isaac and my sister Emma. John and Isaac are twins they're 15 and Emma is 13. And yours truly is 20. The world was blessed with me on February 22, 1994. I'm about 5'3, not skinny, but not fat, big brown eyes with glasses, long brown straight hair, I like to think my skin tone is like The gorgeous Selena Gomez or a little darker. Hey us Latinas are a little dark, but not that dark:p

"Hurry up Angie, you take forever!"
My brother John yelled at me from the other side of the door.
" yeah give me 30 minutes dude"
gosh I loved that kid to pieces. He's like my other half, my best friend. Even if we do get on each others nerves we're there for each other. I quickly got in the shower and did my business. I opened the door and rushed passed John to get ready. I went through my closet trying to figure out what I'd wear.
"JESUS CHRIST!" My brother yelled from the restroom. "ANGIE, YOU IDIOT YOU TOOK ALL THE HOT WATER.!"
I bursted out laughing as I pulled up my black ripped skinny jeans. "Sorry bro!",
"yeah you better be!"
I found a guns n' roses blouse and put my leather jacket over it, along with my black booties. It's November and a bit cold let me tell you.
As I walked downstairs to say bye to my mom, Isaac and Emma where fighting as always for who would sit in front when mom would leave to drop them at school. Mom was already running late to work (nurse) so I offered to take the munchkins to school.
"Mom don't worry I still have 30 minutes for my first class to start, I'll take them."
"You have no idea how much time you're saving me honey, thank you." She kissed my cheek said bye to Isaac and Emma, and yelled bye to John. She rushed out faster then flash. I looked down at the counter and laughed. "What's so funny.?"
John asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Give it 3 seconds. 3...2...1" i grabbed the keys to moms SUV and held them on my finger

"guys have you-"
"looking for these mamma"
"oh gosh thanks honey, bye guys behave"
"You taking us to school ang?"
John asked.
"yes siiiiir"
"SHOTGUN" John yelled.
"aww not fair you always win" Emma and Isaac said at the same time.
I grabbed the keys to my 2013 Mustang (my baby). I was driving towards my brothers school when little things starts playing on the radio
"Ooooh turn it up" Emma said almost bouncing off the seat. John reaches for the volume and turns it up. You'd think that John and Isaac would rather kill themselves then hear One Direction, but no I actually had the honors to turn them into Directioners:)
" Your hand fits in mine Like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind It was meant to be And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks And it all makes sense to me" I start of while John got ready to sing Liam's part.

"I know you've never loved The crinkles by your eyes When you smile
You've never loved Your stomach or your thighs, The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine But I'll love them endlessly" I pulled into their school and I heard in the back,
"oh maaaan I didn't get to sing my part" Emma said disappointed.

"Don't worry bud I'll pick you guys up and we can sing it over again" as they got out of the car I heard "bye Angie" "thanks Angie,see you after school" "bye sis, thanks"
"bye guys behave." John was the last one out, closed the door behind and leaned against the window with his face pressed agains my just cleaned window.
"Stupid I just cleaned my car you know that.!" I said as I rolled down the window.
"Haha sorry just thought it be funny, hey are you going out tonight"
"I don't know it's Wednesday soooo maybe, why.?"
"I need a ride to Amanda's game, and who are you gonna go out with? Let me guess with Matt?" He said with a somewhat disgusted face, he's not really found of Matt lets just say.
"Yeah I could drop you of at her game, and yes with him"
"Ugh I don't know why you're dating that guy, he's so ugh never-mid"
"ok weirdo I'll see you after school."
It took me 10 minutes to get to school and about 5 minutes to get to my class. As I walked in I went straight to the back where Jasmine my best friend was sitting.

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