Chapter 20: Big Surprises

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Chapter 20: Big Surprises

Third Person

“Renesmee can you come in here, please?” Edward yelled from the living room, Bella, Edward, Amanda and Alec were all sitting on the couches. Amanda in Alec’s arms, two weeks had past and Alec had become a regular visitor at the Cullen household. Whenever he would walk through the door, Amanda would cling to him as if he were a life savor, but Alec didn’t mind, he enjoyed it when he made her smile.

Renesmee sulked into the living room; she had been in a very depressing mood lately, which was taking a big toll on the family. They had missed her hyper-ness when she played with her sister or played the piano with her father, Jacob most likely took it the worst, he always tried to get her to smile, sometimes it worked but most times it was just a sad frown or a fake smile on her face.

“What?” She asked, her voice sounding scratchy, as she had given up on trying to per sway her parents to let her go to school. She had tried every method she could think of but now she knew it was no use.

“Come sit down, we have something to tell you.” Bella said, patting a spot next to her.

“I’m fine standing.” She said curtly.


“What did you want to tell me?” Nessie asked, rolling her eyes, obviously annoyed.

Bella and Edward looked at each other, smiling, and than looked back at their daughter, “You wish is being granted…you’re going to school.”  Bella said, excitedly.

It took no longer than a millisecond for Renesmee’s deep frown to rise into a high smile, and gasp, “ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME????” giving her parents the biggest smile she could muster.

“Nope, you start Monday. Im so proud of you baby!” Bella stood and hug her daughter.

“Oh my gaw, oh my gaw, oh…my…gosh…I have to call Jacob!” She immediately started walking to the house phone, seeing as Edward never agreed on giving her; her own phone.

“Wow, wow, and hang on. We have another surprise for you.” Edward said, taking ahold of her shoulders, spinning her around to face him.

“What is it?” Renesmee asked, her eye’s shining bright as stars.

“Well you know how you’ve been asking for a phone lately?” Bella asked, rubbing her hands together in excitement.

“Yeah…OMG is this what I think it is?” Renesmee asked in more excitement.

“Im sure it is.” Edward said in amusement, pulling out the brand new phone from his back pocket.

If it was possible, which it probably was, you could here Renesmee’s scream all across the forest and to the Cullen house. Which would cause Jacob to no doubt here and be here in 3…2…1…

“What happened, I heard someone scream from over the line?” Jacob asked out of breath, holding his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack.

“Oh my gosh Jacob, I have great news…Im going to school and I got a new IPhone.” Renesmee exhilarated, hugging tightly to Jake, than letting go and literally jumping into Edward’s arms.

“Thank you daddy, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I love you guys so much.” She said, hugging him to death.

“We love you to, Renesmee.” They both said in a loving manner.

“OMG, mom can we go shopping? Please, please, please?” Renesmee pleaded jumping off her dad and walking over to her mom.

Her mother snickered at her enthusiasm, “Go call aunt Alice and Rose. See if they want to take you shopping. You know me, I don’t like shopping.”

Before Renesmee got the chance to call her aunt, what her father said next distracted her from doing so, “ Ok, before you call the little annoying pixie we all call my sister and your aunt Alice, there comes a catch to all this?"

“Agh, why did I not see this coming?” Renesmee exasperated loudly, flinging her head back and rolling her eye, “And what would that be?”

“You must apologize to your sister, for what you said all those weeks ago.” Edward said in a posh voice, Renesmee never liked it when he spoke in his English accent; she always said it never suited him.

“But dad…do I have to?” Renesmee asked, stomping her feet, making her like a 4 year old who didn’t get their way.

“Don’t and you can say goodbye to school and the new phone.” Edward said promptly. At this point Amanda had left Alec’s knee and went to stand by her father hugging his leg. Edward was soothingly caressing her head, looking straight at his other daughter.

“Im sorry” Renesmee said quickly, not meeting her father’s eye or anyone else’s eye for that matter.

“what was that? I don’t think we heard you.” Edward said in a snarky tone.

“Im sorry” She said, this time more vocally. But still looking at the ground, playing with her thumbs.

“Don’t apologize to the ground, apologize to her.” Her father ordered, pointing directly at his youngest daughter who was still clinging to his leg but was now sucking her thumb.

Renesmee sighed, she knew that unless she wanted to kiss everything she got today goodbye she had to apologize to her sister. So she got down on her knees and looked at the little 2-inch person that she called her sister.

“Im sorry Amanda, for calling you all those things. I didn’t mean it, I was just very annoyed at the moment. Could you ever forgive me?” She pleaded to her little sister, taking ahold of her little hand in hers.

Amanda took her thumb out of her mouth and just looked her older sister. As if she considering what she was going to say next, “It ok, sissy.” She said calmly than walked the very short distance to her and hugged.

“I fowgive you.”

Renesmee chuckled at that, and stood from her, “Wait?” Amanda said, gripping her sister’s hand as tight as she possible.

“What is it?” Rensmee asked, smiling down at her.

“I want to pw-pw-pw-pl-pl-pl-ay wi-with that.” She smiled pointing at the phone in Nessie’s hand.

With her mother gasping and her father smiling; Renesmee didn’t want to argue with her, as much as it annoyed her that Mandy wanted to mess with her new phone, she was more proud that her sister slowly pronounced a sentence.

“You got it, sister.” Was all Renesmee said and turned back to ask if she could now proceed in calling aunt Alice.


Ok so its been a few weeks since I updated, im sorry i didnt update on Thanksgiving or Black Friday, I hope all of your were as good as mine. Ive just had alot of things going on with school, it being the end of the semester im trying to get all my assignments in so thats kinda why i havnt been updating lately

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