Imaginary Friend

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Your mother, a nurse, was not usually home by then.So you went over to your neighbors house for a few hours, not wanting to be alone and in the dark silence.

After the door bell rang, a woman came up and open the door "Oh?Your mother isn't here yet again is she dear?"

You shook your head, yawning.

"Ah!Ah!Ah!.." She teases you and lets you inside her house, pushing you towards the kitchen " need to fill the tummy of yours before going to sleep dear!"

You rub your eyes before a towel was handed to you out of the blue, it was Raf. You happily took it and dry yourself off as best as you could.

"You went into the water again didn't you (Y/N)? I keep telling you it's dangerous-!"

"It's not dangerous!.."You finish drying yourself off and wrap the towel around your head lazily "...I made a friend today!"

Raf was happy to hear that, after fixing your hair correctly, and smiles childishly "Really?!Who???"

"His name is Knockout!.." you stood up on your tippy toes arms high in the arm, your tongue sticking out slightly "....and he is veerrryyy tall!He is even taller then you Raf!"

Raf raise a brow, intrude but not amuse "He sounds like an imaginary friend to me-."

"No he isn't!He is real and is a mermaid too!"

Raf sighs, pushing his glasses up "That is an imaginary friend (Y/N), mermaids don't even exist-."

"But I saw him and he was the one who made me go into the water this time Raf-!"

"Hey kiddos!Dinner is ready!.." Raf's father comes in, holding a book in hand, before ruffling his sons hair "..I see you trying to make a move on (Y/N) again am I right Rafy?~"

Raf blushes a intense red before saying something really quickly before running up stairs and a loud slam of a door being shut. You didn't know what Raf's father meant but you thought it was a funny joke so you laugh at it. Raf's mom came out of the corner to see what had happen and began to scowl - after making you  a nice bowl of Burnswich stew with (Grilled cheese/Buttered toast) along with a small cup of (F/Drink) - Raf's father mainly saying 'You know that Raf is sensitive!He will go on his own pace as he so please!' Soon enough you finished eating your food - along with Raf's parents - and was allowed to stay the night so you did. You took a nice long shower, brush your teeth, got new dry clothes to wear, and was able to play some games with Raf before going to bed.

But the main problem is that, you can't fall asleep.

"...That is an imaginary friend (Y/N), mermaids don't even exist..."

You whimper softly before looking out the window, for Rafs family had a spare room in cause of guest, before deciding to open the window and leave the house.You knew what you saw was real, you know it was.

"..I can go to the dock, it's not far from here." Your little pitter patters of your feet made no noise on the sand, it was silence.

Going up to the docks you sat down, pull your pant legs up, and dangle your feet above the water softly. The moonlight beams on you and the water causing it to look like the it was dancing above it all.

"...mermaids don't even exist..."

"They do exist Raf, they do-."

Time suddenly stops for you when a massive - not Knockout this time - grey, black, white, and red mermaid hovered infront of you.A look of pure anger on his very face.And you? You were happy that you were not imagining things.

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