4 Honey and Dew Drops

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As we get closer to the portal little shimmers of lights shine through and I hear trumpets and violins playing. The whole thing is very unnerving. I pull back on the Nutcracker's hand, who looks back at me, irritated.

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"Absolutely." With a yank it pulls me through the rat hole.

Everything seems to grow warmer. I let go of the doll's hand to shield my eyes from the sudden flash of bright light. When it clears trees surround us and flowers of pinks and purples are scattered everywhere.

All around us beams of light go off and then we're surrounded by--by--

"Fairies," the Nutcracker says with distaste.

The fairies wear yellow dresses and their wings are golden. Their eyes are orange, almost like fire, and their eyelashes have beads of light.

"Light fairies," Maria explains. "They guard the entrance to Animara."


"The world that we are in. My home."

"Right, okay."

"You're not going to pass out on me, are you?"

I don't have a chance to answer because one of the fairies steps forward. She wears a tiara made of light instead of the wreaths like the other fairies. "Princess, it is good to see you have returned." Her eyes flick to me before back to Maria.

"Pleasure, I'm sure. Has Ralph passed through here?"

"Yes. We let him and his men pass through."

"I thought you said they guard the entrance," I whisper to it.

Maria looks down at me. "I use the term guard loosely."

The light fairy that has been speaking gives a strained smile.

"Eliana, you and your light fairies are doing a remarkable job, and I'll have to stop by for honey and dew drops sometime."

I give it a curious look to which it replies with a I have no idea what I just said smile.

"Are you returning to your home?" Eliana asks.

"Yes," Maria says.

"I shall send two of my fairies to accompany you for a little while. Lux, Säde." Two girls join her side, one with blonde hair and one with red hair. They bow to Eliana. "You will accompany Princess Maria and her companion for part of their journey, and then you are to return straight here."

"Yes, milady," they say together.

After we say good day and continue on to where ever Maria is apparently from. Lux, which I found out is the blonde one, and Säde chatter nonstop behind us.

The wind begins to pick up, sending my cloak wrapping around my legs. No one mentions anything about the wind.

"So are they good?" I gesture to the fairies behind us.

Maria rolls her eyes. "A little too good. Hardly tolerable. Believes hardly anyone is bad.

To the side of it's face I notice a white speck floating through the air. And then another.

"Is that snow?"

At my words, my companions freeze. They don't say a word. They don't even breathe.

One of the white specks lands on my hand and melts.


Soon the air becomes filled with it.

Lux and Säde yelp and fly away. Maria jumps on top of me, slamming into my back. Her being wooden doesn't help anything. "Stay down." She rolls off of me.

"What's wrong?"

"We're going to die."

"Why? What is it?"

Her eyes hold so much fear and hatred. "Flurries."

Nutcracker [Discontinued] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora