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(I kind of imagine Lilith looking like the girl above it with longer hair

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(I kind of imagine Lilith looking like the girl above it with longer hair. But you can carry on imagining her how you wish. The picture below is what Jessica looks like, which you'll soon find out who she is ;). Don't get me wrong i love Elle Fanning but she was just perfect for Jessica.)

I was awoke by the sound of my alarm going off. I was quick to slam my hand on the loud buzzing contraption. My eyes squinted to adjust to the bright bedroom light. I laid in my comfy bed for a few minutes, not wanting to leave it's warmth.

But I knew that if I didn't leave my room entirely in the next 10 minutes I would miss breakfast, and that would be the second time I missed a meal. Although Niall had shown me where they stashed all the good snacks, I couldn't live off granola bars for the rest of my life.

So without much choice, I got up and dressed. I wore leggings and a tank, with a hoodie pulled over, so I didn't freeze. I slid on my gym shoes that I got out of my duffle bag. After I had everything on and managed to pull my long hair into a high ponytail, I was off to the cafeteria.

I closed my door behind me, automatically hearing the click of the lock. As I walked down the hallway, I could hear footsteps rush past me, and could see Niall running to beat me to the elevator. I laughed as his hair flew back off his forehead.

"I have to beat you, they're serving pancakes today!" He shouted as he continued running. I began to pick up my pace, not wanting to take the stairs or wait for the elevator to come back down.

Just as the doors were about to close, I stuck my hand in between, forcing them to open again and let me in. I looked at Niall with a smug look on my face. His face falling when he saw who it was. "Oh don't be so sad. I won't eat all the food," I grinned, drawing out the all. All Niall did was huff in response. I shook my head laughing. "So how'd your sleep your first night here? Niall asked looking at me. "Fine, how about you?" I answered shortly. He didn't need to know about my lack there of sleep.

"Could of been better," he began rambling on about how the bed was uncomfortable, and how he missed his old one. By the time Niall had stopped his rambling on and on about the difference between memory foam and spring mattresses, and how a good or bad box spring can really change everything, the doors to the ground level finally opened.

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I continued to listen to Niall ramble on and on about mattresses while I got my food, and he got his. "Ok Niall, I'm going to go find my friend," I cut him off, him looking a little disappointed that he couldn't explain the pros and cons of mattress toppers anymore. "Alrighty then, I'll see you at training?" He looked hopeful. "Yeah I'll see you then," I chuckled.

With that we headed our separate ways, me going to look for Angelina, and him to god knows where. Within a few minutes i spot her bright blonde hair sitting next to a bunch of guys. Great, she made us easy targets for other nosey rude girls. I made my way over to the table, and to a seat that was empty next to her.

I plopped down, and turned to smile at her. "How'd you sleep?" Was the first question passed her lips. She was the only other person other than my family that knew about my sleeping issues. "Ok," I replied. "Well let me introduce you to everyone!" Angelina clapped her hands. For the first time since I sat at the table, I looked at the people sitting around us.

And shockingly there were some familiar faces. I smiled at Zayn and Niall, who I'm shocked to have not noticed before. "Hi guys," I smiled at the two. "Oh so you know them?" Angelina looked puzzled at me. I wasn't the type to make friends easily. "Uh yeah," I laughed "I met them both yesterday."

Angelina looked pleased that I had made friends without her. "Ok well let me introduce you to the rest of the group," she began. "This is Louis, he's also a technical analyst," she pointed to a cute brunette, who had pointy features. He smiled at me in greeting, me returning it. "This is James, he's a trainee, and trains under Liam," she finished pointing to a blonde first, and then a brunette second. "Hi guys!" I greeted with a smile. An echo of "Hey," "Hi," and "Hello," followed.

"And lastly, there's-'' before Angelina could finish her sentence, I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. "-Captain Styles..." Angelina got quiet. I slowly turned in my chair and looked up at the strikingly handsome man standing almost as close as last night. With the thought of last night even in my mind, my cheeks flared up.

"Hi Sir," I said, not wanting to show any disrespect in front of the others. He may have told me to call him Harry, but I didn't know how he felt about that around other people who looked up to him. "Agent," he curtly nodded. His whole demeanor had changed since last night.

"You're in my seat." Harry pointed to the chair my butt was sat in. "Oh uh, sorry," I began getting up for him to be able to sit. Seeing my discomfort, Zayn offered up his chair across the table, for me to sit at. I looked at him with thankful eyes as he slid over one chair and let me have his.

The table was soon filled with laughter and talk of the upcoming mission that everyone was excited about. I picked at my food, taking small bites every once and a while. I listened to the conversations flooding the table, chiming in every once and a while.

I could feel Harry's gaze burning a hole into the side of my head, as I talked and laughed with Liam. Liam was a nice man who I couldn't wait to work with. After a few minutes, I looked over to where Harry was sitting, making direct eye contact with him. 'Hallway' he mouthed. I gave him a curt nod.

"I'm gonna go pee before training," I said getting up from the table giving everyone a wave goodbye. I left the table and threw out my food before exiting the cafeteria. I had no idea what excuse Harry had come up with, but hopefully no one was getting suspicious about us.

I waited in the hallway, my back pressed against the wall. I twiddled my thumbs in anticipation. What could Harry possibly want now? If on cue, Harry came strolling out of the cafeteria, walking my direction. "Follow me," He instructed, walking past me and toward the elevator.

Once we entered the elevator I watched as he pressed the 4 on the button pad. I leaned against the wall, my hands pressed to the wall, in between my butt and it. The elevator was silent, neither of us talking. I had no idea what to say, and I don't know what Harry wanted to say.

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