Anniversary... (Sad Scenario)

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(This Book has 11.9k reads, It surprises me still that it's already that high. XD Anyways, this is another Ener D Reactor Scenario, and yes, I know I do these a lot, but I think this may be the last one, at least for now.)

     It was appeared to be a normal day, just like any other

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     It was appeared to be a normal day, just like any other... At Jack, Crow, and Yusei's place though, it was anything but normal...
    Jack and Crow were up and awake, acting normal as normal can be, usually bickering, but Yusei hadn't gotten up yet. Jack was the first to notice, and then looked at the calandra. He soon sighed and looked to Crow, "Crow... it's that day again..." Crow knew exactly what Jack was talking about... The Anniversary of the Zero Reverse...
     Though this event was far in the past, it was an event that still affected Yusei every year. His parents died on this day... and though he doesn't have many memories of them, he still loves them with all his heart... yet... this year... he wasn't just staying in his room like Jack and Crow thought...
     Jack went and knocked on Yusei's door, "Yusei, come out. You need to eat something." No response. Crow, who was with Jack at the time, then spoke, "Yus, come on. Starving yourself isn't gonna help you..." No response. The two males stayed quite for a bit, and realized it was too quite. Jack tried to open Yusei's door, and surprisingly it was unlocked. He opened the door and Yusei wasn't there, his bed was made, and everything was neat and tidy, but Yusei was missing...

(And I'll leave it off there.)

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