"𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅, 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅"
With an unknown past and a vast amount of power, Artemis is a force to be reckoned with. For as long as she could remember, she has been completely and utterly different with her purple hair and rebel attitud...
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ARTEMIS LUPIN HAD FAILED TO STAY AWAY FROM GEORGE WEASLEY. She told herself that it was because the drama within her friends had become too much and she needed an escape. It might also be because he would often find her.
She climbed up the stadium stairs with immense effort, trying to find a seat for the first task. The first task was dragons, according to Harry who had gotten a up close peak at them before the event. Artemis was not sure how he planned to defeat a dragon, but she imagined it would be some reckless and undeniably stupid.
"Artemis!" George Weasley called out over the crowd, waving for her to come sit up with them. She didn't see any other option, but to make her way towards him.
She slipped past other students who were decked out in Gryffindor colors. They were one of the rare ones. Artemis found herself standing between the twins, looking over the huge areana.
"Who do you think is going to win?"George asked,"We're taking bets."
"Of course you are,"Artemis breathed out a small laugh,"My heart says Harry."
"You have to say that because he's your best friend,"Fred replied."Who do you really think will win?"
"Cedric,"She answered,"All of them, I have no idea. They all have more experience than Harry."
"Can't believe you went against Harry!"Fred teasingly remaindered her. She hit his shoulder playfully.
"You lot are annoying, y'know that?"
"Why, yes,"George answered,"You only tell us every day."
"Why do I hang out with you idiots?"
"Because we're cute—,"Fred replied.
"And you adore us,"George finished.
"It's unfortunate, really."
"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant,"The speaker announced.
Artemis screamed out Harry's name with glee, cheering him on as best she could."Yes, Harry!!"
Harry entered the rocky arena with the crowd cheering his name. Once he caught sight of the golden egg, he made a run for it, but the dragon appeared. He was forced to retreat behind a rock as the dragon breathed fire at him. Harry stumbled and fell around the arena.
Artemis gasped, glancing down at Ron and Hermione below her who looked just as nervous. She hadn't even noticed how a streak of silver appeared in the purple of her hair.
"Your wand, Harry!"Hermione shrieked in panic."Your wand!"
He must have heard her because she drew his wand and began to cast some sort of spell. It was a matter of minutes before his Firebolt came bolting towards him. Harry raced towards it, jumping on it and flying off.
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Unfortunately, the dragon chased him, breaking from the chain that contained it to the arena. The dragon bursted through the crowd.
Another streak of silver appeared in Artemis' hair. She was beyond tense with Harry flying off towards the castle. She could no longer see him. Artemis thought she was about to go into panic until she felt a hand sliding against her palm. She glanced up, finding George sending her a comforting smile.
The silence in the arena was deafening. Artemis twisted her body to look past the seating to find Harry flying on to the area of the bridge. He flew through a gap in the bridge. The dragon crashed into the bridge and fell into the water of the lake.
Artemis watched in shock as Harry flew towards the arena and she was the first to erupt into cheers along with Ron and Hermione down below her. She was almost surprised that Ron cheered, but she knew that Ron did actually miss Harry and wanted him to be okay.
Harry went straight for the golden egg, grasping the object and lifting it up in the air with glee.
The common room exploded with excitement as Harry tied with Viktor Krum for first place. George and Fred Weasley hoisted Harry up on their shoulders.
Artemis beamed up at Harry as he lifted the golden egg in the air. Everyone cheered him on with pride. Gryffindor was always down to celebrate a victory, and this was a huge one.
And for the first time, Artemis realized the excitement that the tournament brought when Harry won. It was thrilling, scary, but thrilling.
"We knew young wouldn't die, Harry,"George shouted, keeping Harry high in the air. They twins were so tall compared to the other students.
"Lose a leg—"
"—or an arm."
"—pack it in altogether!"
"NEVER!" The twins shouted together in unison.
"Go on, Sparky!"Artemis implored to her friend,"what's the clue?"
Artemis handed the egg that had been passed around back to Harry. The golden egg shimmered in the lights of the room.
"Who wants me to open it? You want me to open it?"Harry shouted, trying to rile the crowd up more. It would work fairly well.
He opened the egg and a loud horrific screech came out. George and Fred immediately dropped Harry to cover their ears. Harry scrambled to close it again.
"What the bloody hell was that?"Ron emerged in the doorway, and everyone murmured quietly as Harry faces Ron.
"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting,"Fred shooed them away,"This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in."
No one moved, but instead pretended to have conversation with the people next to them. Artemis had joined Hermione on the seat close to the boys.
Ron glanced at Harry like a wounded dog,"I reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name in the goblet of fire."
"Caught on, have you?"He retorted, but he eased his expression with a wave of relief,"Took you long enough."
"Wasn't just me who thought you'd done it, y'know,"Ron said truthfully,"Everyone was saying it behind your back."
"Brilliant,"Harry breathed out in defeat,"That makes me feel loads better."