Jackie's POV
Hello, I'm Jackie. I just moved to New York to have a new life. Vermont was too much for me. I hope I find something or someone new. Actually, I hope I find love. It seems impossible but... I have hopes and dreams it will come true.I went to this cute little coffee shop named "Lee's Coffee" and I decided to get a drink. This VERY tall guy was standing in front of me. His breathes made me shake, in a good way. "H-hello? May I have a black coffee, with NOTHING in it. Thank you." He said. I was surprised. He had such a romantic voice. I haven't even seen his face yet and I'm falling in love! Anyways, they got his coffee super fast and he sat down at one of the small tables. He put his book down next to his coffee. He sighed in a relieving way. "Ah, the smell of coffee. So great." He sips his coffee, I was watching like a creep. He didn't notice though, I'm happy he didn't. I looked at his face for a moment, and I KNEW he was going to be mine. His sexy glare sent me, am I being dramatic? I think I am being dramatic. Oh well, he is still hella cute though. I'll see him again, I know I will.
Then, the silence ended. This little boy..? Came up to him and exclaimed, "OH MY GODDDD!!! SAMMY, SAMMY GUESS WHAT?????". I'm guessing that brunette is Sammy."What, Wally?" He sighed a little, but he laughed it off. "SOMEONE IS GONNA COME TO THE STUDIO TODAY!!!! EEEEE IM SO EXCITED!!!" Wally squealed. I didn't realize, I was F^^^ING LATE!!! I grabbed my bag and ran out of the cute coffee shop. "Holy shit! I look so f^^^ing stupid..." I frowned while I walked to my "Work place." As I opened the door, the little boy screamed, "HELLO!!!! IM WALLY :D" I kinda just stood there. "I'm Jackie, what are you doing here, little boy?" I laughed. "I AM 18, EXCUSE ME ☝️" He yelled. Then, a random guy walked towards me and gave me a HUGE hug. "Welcome,Welcome! I'm Joey, you're new manager! <3" He said In a loving tone. "Hello Joey! It's so nice to meet you!" I shook his hand. "Here, Let me show you you're new office!" Joey grabbed my hand. He smiled, "Yep, this is you're new office? You like?" I said yes, obviously. "Okay, good. You sing with Sammy- wait.. have you met Sammy yet?" I froze. "No." He looked at the clock. "He should be here!" I said nothing except "Where's his office? I can clean it for him!" Which was EXTREMELY awkward. "Sure! It's over there, down the hall!" Joey pointed. "Thank you! <3" I smiled. I started to walk over and then...-
There he was.
I ran into him.
His face was so sexy.
I squeaked, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" He stared. "It's fine. Are you the new one?" He turned his head a little. "Yes! I get to sing with you!" I smiled, ear to ear. "Oh, nice! I've been lonely for a while now, and know I get to know someone else other than these crazy people, oh, I didn't catch you're name!" What?? I did NOT expect that. Damn, he is mine then. "My name is Jackie!" I said. "Beautiful name~!" He had a flirty tone in his voice. "Thank you!" I blushed a little, actually... a lot. He took my hand and took to the recording studio. It was so dark, yet so majestic. "This is so pretty!"
I can't believe it, I work with Sammy now!
This is too good to be true!
Anyways... I love you Sammy. I love you a lot.
"So um.. what's you're favorite song?" He asked. "Put you're head on my shoulder, by Paul Anka." I spoke. "Ooh! I like that one too! Wanna sing it together?" He asked. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Alrighty, let's see how good you are...." He turned on the music. He took me over to the microphones, There was two.
I guess this really was meant to be.
Haha, I know lots of things.
He started singing, so I went with him. His face was shocked of how good I was. " Holy f^^^! You are better than me!" He laughed a bit. He pulled me a little closer, my face was surprised. "Wow, you ARE recording gold. You look like it too~" he winked. OH MY GOD! This can't be true!!! He smelt like coffee and red wine. He pulled me even closer, he was about to kiss me! Until- Wally walked in. "HEY!!! JACKIE, MEET MY FRIEND, THOMAS!!!!!!" He yelped. Thomas sighed, "kiddo, you are WAY too loud. Go back to work, son." Wally ran away. "..." Sammy and I were in a weird position, he was kind of holding me, like, if I died in his arms. "Hehe... that's Thomas. He works with the engineering shit." Sammy Gave Thomas a sassy glare. " well , ima go." He disappeared. "Oh my god.. um... hehe... I have no words really.." Sammy turned pink.

Dead Roses.
Short StoryThis is a BATIM story. You do not have to understand the fandom at all. This is how I imagine BATIM, if it were in my style. Keep in mind, the story takes place in the 1970's (I do not know slang from the 40's) anyways, I hope you enjoy. 😉