Chapter 1.4

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Tabitha lingers in bed the next morning, even as the servants come into her room to start the day. She is tired, having tossed and turned for hours while thinking about the events of the night before and the potential repercussions.

Her servants do not bother her as they put out her breakfast, open up the room, and set out her clothing before retreating in the wake of hushed whispers. Only once they leave the room can Tabitha convince herself to climb from bed.

She dresses before studying herself in the mirror, looking over the tailored clothing that exudes wealth and confidence. She draws out her royal presence as she straightens her posture. "I am the Prince of Redstone." Tabitha informs her reflection. No matter what trouble the Wizard had tried to cause, that fact will not change ...whether she wants it to or not.

Tabitha glares at the sword as she passes. It sits on its hooks, passively. She reaches for the door, pauses, and goes back to look at the sword more intently. The metal gleams and the etchings and gold inlay weave around it with intricate beauty. It looks exactly the same as it did the night before. Tabitha reaches for the pommel and as soon as her hand closes over it she frowns. There is no pressure against her skin, no sense of more beneath the surface.

This is not my sword.

Tabitha tightens her grip on the sword and turns violently toward the dungeons. Servants dive out of her way as she storms down the hallway, anger on her face and weapon in hand. Tabitha is halfway down the staircase into the dungeon before she realizes the King and Queen are standing at the bottom, speaking with the Capitan.

"Do you have any idea how he escaped?" the King asks.

The Captain shakes his head. "None. The cell is still locked. Nothing has been disturbed."

"Then the wards weren't strong enough." The Queen scowls. "He was more talented than I thought."

"The Wizard escaped?" Tabitha pulls their attention to her. "Then he must have been the one to take my sword."

"Your sword?" the King asks. "You mean the one you have in your hand?"

"No, this isn't my sword, it only looks like it." She offers the counterfeit to the King.

He takes it, looking it over. "It has excellent balance for a decorative piece, but it looks genuine."

Tabitha shakes her head as she accepts the sword. "He wanted it and I wouldn't sell it, so he stole it."

"Then you should go retrieve it," the Queen says.

Tabitha pauses, thinking she did not hear correctly. "I should ...what?"

"This man has obviously insulted you, and through you our kingdom. You should go retrieve the sword. In doing so, you will also prove your skill to all of Redstone."

"My Queen, do you think this is appropriate?" the King asks. "The Artifact Collector ...the Wizard simply took a sword. We could send some guardsmen after him and ..."

"Go and pack," the Queen continues, still looking at Tabitha. "I will take care of your traveling supplies."

Tabitha bows. "Yes, Mother."

The King still looks like he wants to protest, but Tabitha hurries back up the stairs before he can. Her mother is sending her on a quest, just like in her fairy tales. Tabitha is sure that when she brings back the sword, she will have finally proved herself a prince.

Back in her room, Tabitha swiftly dons her armor and sword while other servants pack some spare clothing in a bag. She wraps a cloth around the non-artifact sword and secures it in place before slinging it over her back.

She moves eagerly toward the door when a soft glow catches her eye. The stone ram's horn from the day before sits on the dresser. Tabitha picks it up, feeling the familiar pressure against her hand. She tucks it into her pocket before leaving the room.

The Queen is standing in the entrance of the stables, holding the Gelding, who is loaded with full saddlebags. The sight of him comforts her. The Queen steps forward and Tabitha meets the brilliant green eyes that mirror her own. For a moment she thinks her mother might say something encouraging or show her some piece of affection.

"If you fail, don't bother to return." The Queen puts the reins into her hands and walks away without looking back.

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