New Transfer Student; What is Guilmon Bread?

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Canterlot City, U. S. A.
8:30 p.m.

It was a beautiful evening in Canterlot City's lakeside park. Even if the lake was artificial, the view of the night sky was always breath taking. Unfortunately, a disturbance was not making it as peaceful as it would usually be...

A figure in a dark cloak with pale skin and piercing red eyes glares at a young man, holding a device that seemed to be this menacing figures focus.

"Crimson Whip!" Shouts the cloaked man, pulling a whip and making a blood red wave fly at the boy. Quick on his feet, the boy dodges and falls into a bush.

"Hahahaha! You can't hide from me, digidestined. I smell your fear." The pale man licks his lips hungrily.
"Once I have your partner's data, I'll be able to conquer more than just this pathetic world, but I can overwhelm the Sovereign as well!"

"Sheesh! You're just as crazy and twisted as the Myotismon from the TV show! What is it with you vampire digimon?" Asked the boy, slightly immature in tone, but annoyed of the individual's plan. "I swear, you all need to get a life on planning better for the future."

"We shall see, human. Now, where is your pathetic partner?" Taunts Myotismon, sneering at the boy. His sneer soon goes to a confused look as the boy chuckles and lifts his device as well as a card. In a swift motion, he swipes the card along the device as a light glows.
"Digi-Modify! Metal Garurumon activate!"
A sudden FWOMP is heard behind Myotismon, and he turns in confusion to see a red dino smiling and waving.
Unfortunately, the vampire digimon couldn't reply as a figure forms around the dino. A giant wolf cloaked in silver armor with wing binders surrounds the smaller figure's form, but is soon absorbed in as his eyes glow white.
"Garuru Tomahawk!" The dino let's loose a wave of ice and missiles at the enemy, freezing him before shattering him. The vampiric digimon dissolves into red particles, flying into the sky.

Monday, 7:55 a.m.
The next day
As luck would have it, a teenaged woman with bright orange skin and vibrant red and yellow hair was rushing to the local school. Seems someone slept in accidentally.

"Aw come on! That digital clock was brand new, and now it is being weirder than Pinkie! How is that even possible anyway?" The young woman shakes her head, trying to focus. "Don't worry about it now, Sunset Shimmer. Just get to school before the bell!"
With her self pep-talk done, she sprints to the Canterlot High School. Sunset Shimmer may be a strange girl to many, but that's because she is actually unique. Unique as in she's from another world. A pony world where, while there are many humans in this one, there are equally as many in that world, and even the creatures there are like doubles of certain humans in the realm Sunset now calls home.

As Sunset was wearing down due to her starting sprint, an excited yell is heard.

"SUNSEEEEET!" screamed a childish yet energetic voice. The scream belonged to one of Sunsets many friends, Pinkie Pie. Sunset picks up her pace again, but a sudden blur flies by her and slides in front of Pinkie.

"Heya Pinks. I guess I wasn't the only one who slept in?" The girl, revealed to have rainbow styles hair and was extremely tomboyish in appearance, asked the pink haired girl in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Hehe, yep! Seems you two parties a lot, Dashie!" Replied Pinkie.

"Thanks...for the...lift...... Rainbow Dash...." Pants a heavily exhaust Sunset. The rainbow tomboy (now revealed to be Rainbow Dash) chuckles a little embarrassed.
"Are ya'll done diddle dadling? Class's 're about to start!"

A girl in a tetson hat and having a southern accent steps out, waving for them to hurry in the school. Though Sunset was exhausted, she pushed herself to move. The last one in was Rainbow Dash, who smiles and fist bumps the country girl.


"Thanks Applejack. You're good at bringing us back."

The now identified Applejack chuckles.

"I was simply bein' honest. Plus you have that report ta give right away in class, RD." This reminder makes Rainbow pale and panic. Clearly, she didn't work on it.

Suddenly, the PDA activates.

"Attention students. This your principal, Ms. Celestia. I wish to announce morning classes shall be canceled due to an announcement. May all students and faculty please report to the gym for this announcement. I repeat, please report to the gym for the announcement. Thank you."

A small click is then heard, signalling the end of the message. Hearing this makes Rainbow sigh in relief.

"Ya know, I could help ya if you want some?" Offered Applejack. The rainbow hair girl smiles, accepting it with a fist bump.

"Thanks AJ. I think I'll need all the help I can get."

"Don't mention it, RD. Besides, you could help with the chores at home after I help ya."

Rainbow then gaped, realizing that sometimes she needs to pay to receive. But AJ was her best friend and rival growing up, so she nodded in agreement.

Canterlot High Gym
As everyone gathered, a lot of gossiping was going on. All on what this announcement was about. Clearly not the Friendship Games since that event had passed a while back during the year. Soon, a tall ivory skinned woman with light green, blue, and pink hair steps to the podium set up, everyone silencing.
"Thank you for coming, students. I wanted to make some announcements as principal before reaching the main reason I called you here."
As she cleared her throat, a student raised their hand. The principal points to her.
"Yes Octavia?"
The girl rose, being a full gray in skin but clearly of musical talent.
"Thank you Principal Celestia. Will this be about the odd shaking that occured last night? I felt my whole home shake due to some sort of chaos outside in the nearby park."
Though many students seemed confused due to not living near the area and not getting any sort of reaction, a few nodded in agreement as they too noticed it. Even Sunset was curious since her apartment was in the area. She didn't notice any shakes, but a strange atmosphere did fill the area. And ironically her digital clock was busted at the time also.

Was it all a coincidence? Was one of the many thoughts running through the fiery haired teen's head.

"Um, I don't think there's been any major news about that. However, due to it also affecting digital devices it seems, all computers will be needing signups for use until further notice."

Many groans are heard, especially from three young girls.

"Now, to the main reason for today's gathering here, I wish to introduce a new foreign exchange student from Shinjuku, Tokyo."
The principal steps back, waving for a young man to step forward. He wore a simple blue T-shirt/hoodie with light grey jeans, had brown hair and hazel eyes, and seemed to have goggles in his head. Rarity, being a fashionist, basically gasps and faints at the 'fashion disaster' she's just seen.

"H-hello there. My name is Takato Matsuki, and I hope we can be friends." He bows after his introduction, making the ladies awww at his gentleman ways though he seemed a little on the kid side.

"Heh. He seems a bit like Fluttershy." Says Rainbow. A bright yellow skinned girl with pink hair giggles, nodding.

"That does seem possible."

"But something is odd. He may seem shy, but it's most likely due to the fact he's in a different country." Explains a lavender skinned girl, adjusting her glasses as her purple and fuchsia hair seemed to flow down her back. "I think he's a good kid."

"Having an insight moment, Twilight? I thought that was my job?" Chuckles Sunset, making Twilight blush but giggle as well.

"We can be insightful in our own ways. Not just by simply touching another's skin."

As everyone was excused, the 7 girls went to their class they shared next. It was Home Economics, and today was going to be doing baking. Once there though, they are surprised to see the new kid already there, getting aquainted with the teacher. But then they quickly made to their seats as the bell went off for class to begin.

"Hmmmm. Seems we all went with something simple, yet with delightful aromas." States the teacher. She walks to check everyone's food. Most were pairs, but the new kid Takato was alone. Upon gazing at his food, the teacher looks it over and gives a gasp in astonishment.

"This is extremely creative! And it's just bread?"

"Heheh, yeah. I call this Guilmon Bread." Takato replies, scratching his head and blushing.

"Hmmm. Creative to be a dinosaur head, but the name is odd. Why call it that?"

"Well, it's more from an idea some friends at home made up on an old imaginary friend I have." Explains the boy. The teacher nods, and marks her paper. She then hands Takato a slip and he gasps.

"For basically using your imagination and implying it into a thought given by friends for you, I gladly say you got an A+." States the teacher. Everyone, in an understatement, were shocked. Almost no one got an A+ on their first class. However, Sunset was confused on the name the new kid gave his bread. The way he said it, he seemed to cherish it.

3:50 p.m.
Front of Canterlot High
Takato seemed to be walking away as he looked down though he had a great day, many could tell he was feeling upset about something. Sunset was also worried. She waved to him as he was exiting the building, but he seemed to be elsewhere in his head. Though she knew it was wrong, she followed him slowly, keeping a distance.

Takato walked towards the nearby park, taking a look for other people around before following a never before traveled path. However, he didn't see Sunset behind a tree nearby.

Continuing to follow the boy, Sunset soon heard a rustling ahead of the boy. Takato stops, looking like he was frozen in fear from behind. As he stopped, a pair of yellow eyes glow from a bush next to a hillside, glaring at the boy. Gasping, Sunset jumps out.

"Look out!" She yells as she tackles Takato out of the way. The being steps out, revealing to be a red dinosaur like being, but something was different. Sunset could feel an unknown energy from it, but it wasn't Equestrian magic. But then it looks to them, it's pupils going childish like and it speaks.

"Takato? Is this a friend?"

The voice was surprisingly child-like, holding no malice like Sunset would have expected if it did speak. She was surprised that the strange creature even mentioned the boy's name. Looking to the young man she tackles, he had a look of panic on his face.

"... Sorry." Standing up, Sunset turns to the beast, smiling gently. "I'm Sunset Shimmer, a classmate of Takato's. I take it you're a friend of his?"
The way Sunset spoke surprised Takato even more.
She's....not scared?

"Heheh, yeah. My name's Guilmon. Your name is pretty, also." Says the dino, as he revealed his name. Sunset giggles and smiles.

"Yeah, but I'm the not the cute type, honestly." But then the creature says something unexpected.

"Sounds like Rika and Renamon a bit." Ponders Guilmon, mentioning other friends of his and Takato's.

This causes Sunset wonder what the dino meant. Then she recalled the bread Takato made in Home Ec class, saying it was an idea some friends gave his dad in the shape of his "imaginary" friend. Now the pieces falling into place, she giggles more.

"I guess you and Takato are extremely close?" She asks next. But the answer she gets from Guilmon surprises her.

"Well he made me, so I guess so!" He laughs childishly in joy.

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