Chapter 50 - Let Go

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Third Person P.O.V

Taehyung woke up from his sleep when it was 11 in the morning. He couldn't open his eyes as his eyes got puffy and small from tearing up the whole night. He didn't remember when he slept. He was in the very position where Namjoon threw him last night. 

He tried to move slightly but his head was hurting like a bitch. He tries to touch the bruise he got last night but couldn't as it was hurting badly. The blood stained already but it was itching. He somehow got up and then again plopped on his bed. 

A crack on his doorknob flinched him badly as he curved like a little boy on his bed in fear. After a few seconds, he heard someone's sniffs as he felt a cold touch on his hair.

"Oh my baby, I'm so sorry." Jin cries out holding the petit bruised boy in his warm hug. Taehyung also leans in the touch crying silently as he needed that warmth. He needed someone.

"Oh my God, Tae. You're burning. You have a fever. Stay here, okay? Don't move. I'm coming right back." Jin says in between his cry as he rushes out from the room and comes back again after a few minutes. 

Taehyung can't open his eyes as his whole body is aching in pain and he has a severe fever. Jin quickly cleans his bruised area and covers it with a bandage.

"Baby, you have to sit up a bit. Can you do that for, Jinnie?" Taehyung holds Jin's hand as he sits up a bit which took him a good 5 minutes. 

Jin cries silently as he couldn't take the view before him. He never saw Taehyung like that in his 6 years of married life. He feels so helpless that he couldn't even do anything for his precious bean because if he would try to help Taehyung, his husband will make his life worse than ever. 

He wipes Taehyung's full body with a wet towel and changes his shirt somehow. He brought some soup also to feed him but Taehyung couldn't have much but enough for having medicines. Jin gave him a pain killer and a paracetamol. After that, Taehyung again lies on his bed. Jin covers him with the comforter and sits beside him.

"I'm so sorry, Taebear. Jinnie couldn't help you in this situation. I'm so so sorry." Jin breaks down as he strokes Taehyung's locks softly.

Taehyung slowly holds Jin's hand as he says with a soft smile, "Jinnie, don't be sorry. I know you support me. Thank you." Jin was about to reply but when he saw the younger fell asleep, he didn't trail more.

Please God, help this child. Please, let his pain go away because he deserves the world.


Later on that day

Taehyung wakes up with the vibration of his phone. He holds his head as it is paining slightly. He looks around to find his phone and finally finds it under his pillow. He looks at the screen which shows the name of the person he loves the most. 

A smile forms on his lips as he receives the call saying in his broken tone, "Hello?" Jungkook furrows his brow hearing that as he already understands that there is something wrong. 

"Are you okay, Tae?" This is the first question Jungkook asked as soon as he heard the younger's voice. Taehyung smiles softly hearing that. 

How quickly this boy always understands my every tone.

"Yeah, just have a slight fever. But I'm….I'm alright now." Jungkook stands up from his position as his heartbeats start running fast.

"You were alright yesterday night also. What happened in just a few hours that you got a fever now? Are you hiding anything from me? Tell me the truth, Tae." Taehyung sniffs softly now as he can't hold his tears anymore.

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