Seven siblings were sent to the world of DC superhero girls and meet new friends, new love and new adventures as they fight villains go through high School and face the toughest challenge yet growing up as th also tackle on being their world's prote...
In the house we see everyone is in the room Dimitri is in as he was in the bed as Jessica was sitting close to him and looked worried.
Elliotte: When is he gonna wake up?
Ashton: Soon, you just need to give him time.
Everette: But he is gonna wake up soon right?
Ashton: Of course he is.
Piper: I hope so, cause Jessica is very worried about him
Ashton: We just need to wait a few more minutes until he's ok right Billy?
Billy: That's right. That shock blast really did a number on him.
Then they saw Dimitri turning as his eyes started to open.
Ashton: he's waking up.
Dimitri: *groans* Did anyone get the number on that supervillain?
Ashton: Welcome back to the land of the living.
Jessica: Oh Dimitri, you're ok! *Hugs him tightly*
Dimitri: *winks in pain* Ow! Body is still sore.
Jessica: *let's go of him* Sorry, I'm just so happy you're alive. I thought I was gonna lose you.
Dimitri: Jess, I would never leave you.
Andruw: That was some risk taking the hit from Livewire.
Elliotte: Not to mention incredibly stupid. *Gets slapped by Ashton* Ow, what was that for?
Ashton: Dimitri only did it to protect us.
Dimitri: Thanks Ash. And guys I'm sorry, I should have told you guys about my fear of electricity.
Jessica: It's ok Dimitri, I was scared I was gonna lose the person I love. And what you did was pretty brave.
Dimitri: Yeah to be honest I was a bit scared.
Jessica: But that's what made you brave.
Dimitri: Thanks Jess, and plus I'm not afraid of electricity anymore.
Ashton: That's good to hear.
Jessica: We're just glad that you're alive.
Then Jessica kissed Dimitri on the lips as he was surprised and then kissed back as they both separated.
Dimitri: Jessica I promise I'll never leave you.
Jessica: You better not or else! Jk I wouldn't do that to you.
Dimitri then smiled at her meanwhile at a facility we see a guard walking through the halls as he then heard a noise in a room as he went in to see what it was as he used a flashlight to see what was in the room as he saw something big run past his sight as he looked around and then saw a black tiger with crystals on the right side of its body and face as it then came to him as the guard backed away slowly and then fell as he saw the tiger.
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Tiger: If you value your puny life, RUN!
Then the guard ran as the tiger then smashed some things in the room as a fire was startled.
Extroyer: I am vengeance, I am destruction, I am EXTROYER!!!
He then roared as he left the facility. The next day we see Dimitri and Jessica walking through town as Dimitri looks at his phone and then notices a news article.
Dimitri: A fire caused in a facility last night?
Jessica: Maybe it was an accident?
Dimitri: Don't know but we should get the others and check it out. *Calls Ashton* Ashton I'm gonna need you and the others to meet us at the facility that the fire was caused last night.
Ashton: Ok we'll be there as soon as we can.
Dimitri: Good. We'll meet you there.
We later see they are in the facility at the room where the fire was started.
Dimitri: WOW, this place is trashed.
Ashton: You're telling me. *Notice scratches on the ground.* Scratches, Dimitri do you know what kind of animal made these?
Dimitri: *Looks at the scratches* Not really sure, I've never seen anything like this.
Elliotte: Aren't you the animal expert? Shouldn't you know every animal there is?
Dimitri: Look, I'm saying, is whatever made this isn't human or animal.
Ashton: Let's look at the security cameras and find out that way?
Dimitri: Ok.
We then saw them in the security room as they watched the footage and saw the tiger attacking the room.
Piper: Wow that's one big tiger.
Dimitri: we should find it and stop it before it causes any harm to anyone.
Diana: Indeed, let us split ourselves.
Elliotte: You mean split up.
Diana: Yes, that.
Dimitri: Then let's go.
We see Dimitri, Ashton, Zee, Jessica and Piper going through town as Jessica saw Dimitri was thinking about something.
Jessica: Is something on your mind?
Dimitri: I was thinking about that Incineroar guy, if he has powers like me and my siblings does that mean that there's others like us out there?
Ashton: I'm not sure about that but we'll worry about that later. Right now we need to find that tiger.
Dimitri: Your right. Let's find that creature before anyone gets hurt.
Then they heard a noise from a distance.
Piper: I think it's that way. *points at the back of an electronics store.*
Dimitri: Let's go before we miss it.
They ran to the back as they hid to see the tiger as it came out and glowed as it was now a boy as they noticed something was on his chest.
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