Picture is Riley
A little warning--my fetus-self began this book, so there's A LOT of cringeworthy scenes, dialogues, and some very immature characters so...I shall tell you to proceed with caution if you must.
"Linny, Linny! Wake up!" screamed a very high pitched and annoying voice in my ear.
"Go away, I'm tired." I let out a loud frustrated groan.
"No Linny, you have to get up! I wanna go to the park now!" The voice stated.
I was so completely deprived of sleep that I couldn't decipher whose voice was making my eardrums bleed.
"C'mon Linney...."
I lifted my head from my flat, dark blue pillow and twisted myself to the side so I could see what was going on. But of course, my light brown, long, wavy hair was scattered all over my face.
Curse you hair....
Suddenly, I felt my bed dip from the end, where my feet were rested, and there was a heavy weight that landed on my back, knocking out all the air from my lungs.
I was guessing that was Riley. He could get violent when things didn't go his way. Plus, his voice registered into my brain while I tried to move in bed, and tried to rid the sleep from my eyes.
"I said wake up Lina!" He better stop screaming or I'm going to suffer from some excruciating pain.
I sat up straight and felt the world disorientate around me. I grabbed my skull with my right hand and fluttered my eyes open.
There sat a smug looking Riley, happy to see that he had successfully awoken me with his abusive wake up call.
"Lina! Get down here! I'm not keeping you in this orphanage, just so you can stay cooped up in your room for the whole day!"
Riley turned towards me. "Sometimes,
I really wish I could strangle Ms. Doth when she yells in the morning."I let out a small chuckle. "Well aren't you a violent one. Come on, we wouldn't want her to wake up the neighbourhood along with the dead, now would we?"
Riley shook his head and his dark chocolate hair flopped onto his forehead. I took his small, soft hand in mine, leapt out of the squeaky bed and led him out of my room.
We walked down the long, darkened hallway, towards the stairs. The windows were covered by the long black curtains that were draped against them, and prevented the sunlight from seeping in.
I stopped by a window on one side of the hall, while Riley let go of my hand to walk to the other window. We both pulled the curtains back in unison and allowed the light to make its way in.
I heard the sound of little feet running towards me and once I turned around, the little kids in the orphanage ran right pass me. One of them took Riley along the way and down the stairs, which left me stranded in front of the window.
A door immediately opened from the opposite side and out emerged a boy with disheveled brown hair. He had his eyes squinted because of the brightness. Once recovered from his new surroundings, he took notice of me and I waved.
He smiled, strode towards me and enveloped me in a hug. And not just any hug, but his very familiar big bone-crushing hugs that I had trouble breathing from.
I put some distance between us and looked in his emerald green eyes.
I cocked an eyebrow. "Eran, you know I'm not the biggest fan of your extremely irritating hugs, right?"

No One But Us
General Fiction"See, what's wrong with our world is that...people find life is filled with happily ever afters and fun, great times. They don't know how so very wrong they are. They say life is full of surprises. Well they're right about that. What they don't know...