The Search

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Regina, Robin, and everyone in Storybrooke went out looking for Regan. All the men went and looked in the forest while the women looked all around the town. Mary Margaret stayed with Henry and Roland during the search because Regina didn't want them to go out searching and something happen to them. They kept on worrying about their sister and Roland kept asking questions. For a while, Henry sat in Regan's room waiting for her to come home safe. But after an hour he got tired of waiting. While Mary Margaret was trying to occupy Roland, Henry snuck out to go search. He ran all through the forest screaming Regan's name. Eventually he ran into Robin who told him that he better get back home before his mom gets home or before Mary Margaret notices his absence. Henry realizes how much trouble he would get in if his mom found out so he went back home. Upon his arrival back in side Mary Margaret sees him come in and asked where he had gone. He tells her, "I just needed some fresh air." Then he walks up to his room and lays down. Mary Margret didn't believe him, so she follows him. She walks into him room and asked where he really went. He tells her that he went to look for Regan. She tells him that he doesn't need to go back out and then she leaves the room. Later that night Regina came home and Robin followed. Regina went in the kitchen and got some wine, while Robin went and checked on Roland and Henry. Roland was asleep, but Henry wasn't. Robin asked him why he wasn't in bed yet and Henry said, " I wont be able to sleep until I know Regan is home safe." Robin gave Henry a pat on the back and told him, " She would want you to sleep." Henry nodded his head and laid down. Robin then left and went to join Regina. Robin sat down on the couch next to Regina. Regina laid her head on him and started crying. She said, " I don't know what I will do if something happens to her." Robin told her , "Don't worry we will get her back." After a little while of crying, Regina fell asleep and so did Robin.

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