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[BakuBitch is now privately chatting with baby shark]
                                   11:01 am

baby shark: aye

baby shark: so

baby shark: i snuck into your house last night

BakuBitch: yoU WHAT?!

baby shark: yo cAlM dOwn bRo

BakuBitch: iStG kIri i wIlL fUckIng MURDER yOu oNe day

baby shark: that's not very manly bro

BakuBitch: idgaf yOu lIttle piece of shit

baby shark: abyWAyS

baby shark: i snuck into ur house

baby shark: it was hard not to scream when i went into ur room

BakuBitch: yOu WENT IN MY ROOM?!?!

baby shark: ya

baby shark:

baby shark: sksksksk

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baby shark: sksksksk

baby shark: 😏

BakuBitch: nO

BakuBitch: sHUT UP

BakuBitch: STOP


baby shark: kat

BakuBitch: kiri

baby shark: sksksksk you guys are sOooOo cUte

baby shark: iM gonNa pOst tHis oN mY iNsTa

BakuBitch: No

baby shark: im gonna use this as blackmail now

BakuBitch: No

baby shark: lmao it's not like u can do anything

BakuBitch: eijiro

baby shark: ?

BakuBitch: I know about you and half n half

baby shark: uu whAt?!

BakuBitch: sksksksk look who's laughing now

baby shark: kaTSUKI NO

BakuBitch: katsuki yes

BakuBitch: oh, how the tables have turned

baby shark: i won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone about me and sho

BakuBitch: "sho" huh?

BakuBitch: kinky 😏

BakuBitch: but fine

BakuBitch: deal

baby shark: deal

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