[BakuBitch is now privately chatting with baby shark]
11:01 ambaby shark: aye
baby shark: so
baby shark: i snuck into your house last night
BakuBitch: yoU WHAT?!
baby shark: yo cAlM dOwn bRo
BakuBitch: iStG kIri i wIlL fUckIng MURDER yOu oNe day
baby shark: that's not very manly bro
BakuBitch: idgaf yOu lIttle piece of shit
baby shark: abyWAyS
baby shark: i snuck into ur house
baby shark: it was hard not to scream when i went into ur room
BakuBitch: yOu WENT IN MY ROOM?!?!
baby shark: ya
baby shark:
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. baby shark: sksksksk
baby shark: 😏
BakuBitch: nO
BakuBitch: sHUT UP
BakuBitch: STOP
baby shark: kat
BakuBitch: kiri
baby shark: sksksksk you guys are sOooOo cUte
baby shark: iM gonNa pOst tHis oN mY iNsTa
BakuBitch: No
baby shark: im gonna use this as blackmail now
BakuBitch: No
baby shark: lmao it's not like u can do anything
BakuBitch: eijiro
baby shark: ?
BakuBitch: I know about you and half n half
baby shark: uu whAt?!
BakuBitch: sksksksk look who's laughing now
baby shark: kaTSUKI NO
BakuBitch: katsuki yes
BakuBitch: oh, how the tables have turned
baby shark: i won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone about me and sho
BakuBitch: "sho" huh?
BakuBitch: kinky 😏
BakuBitch: but fine
BakuBitch: deal
baby shark: deal

wrong number || bakukami
Fanfictionpretty simple, really. Kaminari texts the wrong number, who just so happens to be our favorite explosion boy. After that, their relationship escalates from there and grows, with the good, the bad, and the insanity. -no quirk au- -none of the picture...