the deca returns. (five)

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[They both stared at the Dalek, waiting for something to happen, but nothing happened. At all. Nada. Zero. Zilch.]
[Rani]: "What the hell?"
[The Dalek just stood there. The Dalek started to fade away, and he disintegrated into nothing. Soon enough, the walls and everything around them started to disintegrate. It revealed that they were in a dark room, and their TARDISes were locked away in another room. There were markings all over the walls of the room. It didn't take long for them to realize where they were.]
[Both]: "Gallifrey.."
[They were locked and handcuffed in a Gallifreyan prison of some sorts, but they didn't understand why. The Doctor's screwdriver had been taken from her, and the Rani's equipment was locked away along with her TARDIS. A rather tall figure appeared in the dark, and they were wearing a mask. It covered their entire head, and a normal human wouldn't recognize them. However, any Time-Lord could recognize them just by looking at the mask.]
[Omega]: "Surprise, bitch."
[Doctor]: "Where are we? Get us out of here you bastard!"
[Omega]: laughs menacingly "Doctor, haven't you realized yet? You're in a torture chamber, built for the two of you! Oh, and don't bother and try to get out of those handcuffs, they're permanently locked."
[Omega walks out of the torture chamber.]
[Omega]: "Be prepared, this type of torture will hurt."
[He presses a button that opens a door. An extremely bright light comes from the direction the door is in. They can't really make out much from the figures that are entering the chamber, but the door starts closing. Around them they see every single dangerous monster the Doctor has ever encountered.]
[Doctor]: "Rani, what are we gonna do?"
[Rani]: "I don't really know, Doctor, I'm really sorry."
[Doctor]: "Nothing? Nothing at all? Can't we work together?" she proceeds to try and convince the Rani.
[Doctor]: "Look, if we want to get out of here," she looks at the Rani hoping to convince her "we've oughta work together. Like the days we had at the Academy. We even had a group at the Academy. We'll survive, we just got to put our heads together and think of something."
[Rani]: "Let's do it. Let's destroy time!"

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