Chapter plot: Duncan alone at home receives an unexpected visit and is faced with temptation. Also a flashback of younger Michelle/diary entry.
Crossover with American Horror Story Apocalypse and the outpost
Original characters: Michelle (Duncan's girlfriend), Sarah and Victoria (a student of Professor Duncan and a friend).
"Breaking Point"
Diary entry junior year of high school April 25th.
"I can't believe this is happening and what has already happened. They found my diary and I was exposed in front of the whole school at prom night. It was the worst night of my life and it is still not over. It was all ruined completely. My life is probably over now. I hate my life so much. No one else understands. My only friends don't even care about me anymore. They hate me. I hate me. People should hate me. The biggest jerk jock and his posse exposed me and tried to ruin me. I was too stupid I should have never left my diary in my purse. I never should have brought it to school even. I'm the biggest idiot. It was so stupid and a dumb thing to do. I just had to write numerous entries about my life. Having a new journal like this to vent to is slightly numbing the pain I guess. it doesn't change what happened though. I burned the other diary because why wouldn't I? It had to be done. No questions asked. The whole student body found out about my drunken hookup with another girl, Mary. I am such a lightweight. I hate it. I just had to be stupid enough to do it. I am now labeled a slut and a dyke for forever. Nothing will change that. I hate this preppy school I am going to transfer. Life is so cruel and unkind because people make it that way. I hate them. I want to watch all these popular fools pay for what they did to me. I am not a person who labels things. There is no denying who I am. I love women. It didn't even have to take having sex with one to know that. I loved it. I fell in love with a girl. How can I just hide my feelings and bottle them all up forever? I like boys too but I can't pick one and I shouldn't have to. Everyone is telling me to pick a side but what do they know about me? Nothing, that's what. They don't deserve to know anything about me. They wouldn't care anyway. It could be worse but it still sucks. It's not like I made a sex tape that was released for everyone to see in the entire world on a porn site on the world wide web. I don't know where to go now. Maybe I should just jump off a cliff now. Why not? After all, who would miss me?"
Cut to the present at Duncan's place:
This was an unexpected and surprise visit. What could these 2 girls want? The weather outside was horrible and it was such a dreary night. He recognized the redheaded girl. She was a student of his. He didn't see students outside office hours ever beyond meetings, tutoring, or guidance counselor assistance for classes. He was going to need a good stiff drink to deal with whatever this was. Sarah's friend looked like she was hurt. She was cut on her leg. Going to get the first aid kit in the kitchen cabinet under the sink as well as gathering some towels, the girls took it upon themselves to look around and enter the dining room. Sammy took to the two girls instantly and went up to them giving them sad puppy eyes. They thought the dog was so cute. Just then, Duncan returned to the dining room with some antiseptic, gauze, bandaids, rubbing alcohol, and towels. Victoria thanked him and in only a few minutes, she was fixed right up and both girls were dried off with the towels.
"That should heal in a few days or less. May I ask what happened?" Duncan inquired after removing his glasses and wiping them off with his shirt. Victoria just smiled and Sarah started giving belly rubs to Sammy. Sam loved it. He always loved being the center of attention and loved pretty much everyone.
"We were on our way to a party and got lost the Uber left us off at the last block and we walked. I didn't see the rock in the road and tripped. Fell before I could catch my balance or Sarah could help me," Victoria responded sounding genuinely upset.

Another Life
FanfictionDuncan and his girlfriend of almost 3 years have their relationship put to the test when she goes away on a trip and Duncan is left at home until he receives a visit that will change his life forever.