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Don't forget to comment so I know how this story is going and if there are any mistakes :)

When the time hit 6.30 pm, Egris reemerged from his cave and told Lola bluntly that it was time to eat. No ifs or buts, the canteen would be preparing dinner at that exact moment and they needed to go before it became too busy. Lola couldn't help but roll her eyes at Egris' determination to race to the canteen but agreed anyways. Maybe she could see Julie again and ask her how the rooms on their side were; if they were all as bare as no.35. 

She didn't bother to change and nor did Egris. He remained in his black form-fitting spacesuit, made from an elastic material Lola couldn't name. He locked the door with his palm print and proceeded down the corridor, ignoring the fact that she couldn't keep up. At the very end was an escalator, taking them up to the main level and the centre. 

The Grand Station was a large, modern ship built for the purpose to hold Xyon and humans together. The main level's purpose is for eating and entertaining - nothing more. Egris worked on the level above, the 'amphitheatre' of the ship. He often found himself eating with the other experienced warriors on the top level, avoiding the inevitable mess that the canteen held. But since it was no longer just him, he thought he could enlighten the human with a taste of Xyon life. He was sure she would regret it.

The escalator wasn't wide enough to fit the two of them so Lola was a step behind, trying desperately to see the canteen before they reached the top. But, cursing his height once again, she couldn't see past his back. Despite this, the loud raucous of multiple manly voices rolled into one and surrounded Lola. It was louder than the canteen at school on chip day which was surprising. But much to Egris' annoyance, Lola didn't shy away from the commotion. 

They merged at the top and Lola could see the industrial exterior with long tables and chairs. Everything was larger than on Earth, presumably to fit the broad frames of the men. They smashed their hands on the table and barked ferocious laughter at one another, not bothered with the flying cups and plates. Never had she seen such unruly yet relaxed behaviour in a canteen and Lola lapped it up. This was a change to her old life so she welcomed it wholeheartedly. 

Egris walked passed the tables, not sparing a look at his disorderly colleagues as they had fits of mirth. At the back of the canteen was a row of vending machines. Or what looked like vending machines. And Xyon men were showing their human mates how to use the machines, something which seemed to be very amusing to both parties. Egris strolled up to one which was available and started to punch in buttons at such a rate his hands were just a blur. Lola looked on with wide eyes - if she tried to do that she would dislocate her wrist. 

A glass bowl dropped down into the slot and was filled with a thick, lumpy off white......substance. Whatever it was, it looked repulsive. He took the bowl and a spoon from a rack nearby and gestured for Lola to have a go. For a moment she just looked at him, not moving. 

"You've seen me use it, now you can have a go." he replied breezily.

"You did it so quickly! How am I meant to do that?" She exclaimed.

A deep rumble grew from his chest and he shook his head.

"Humans..." Egris muttered.

The Xyon stood next to Lola and replicated the movements from a moment before, but much slower so she could watch.

"You get it now?" he asked, not hiding the irritability oozing from his tongue.

"I do now, thanks." she replied, desperately trying to keep the mood light.

She stood in front of the machine again and copied what Egris did. The buttons were unsurprisingly in their language and had accompanying symbols which Lola couldn't decipher. 

But at least she got a nice hot bowl of slush at the end.

Lola spotted Julie and her mate sitting on a table (which wasn't crowded) and made her way there, careful not to spill any of the sick. 

"Lola, right?" the girl asked with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, and you're Julie?"

"That's right. Take a seat, I need some human company."

Her alien looked a little downhearted by that but quickly chirped up when she flashed him a smile.

"Can you believe this place? It's huge! And the rooms are so modern, oh I just love it! Don't you?" she carried on once Lola and Egris had sat down.

"Yes, it's certainly different. And definitely loud." So loud, Lola could barely make out Julie's reply.

"Apparently it quietens down soon. Doubt it though."

Lola laughed lightly and nodded her head.

"I didn't know what to expect really. But it definitely wasn't this."

Julie agreed and took a large mouthful from her bowl.

"Is it nice?" Lola inquired, still fearful to touch hers.

"It's a lot better than you think."

"It's called Emukin. It's fed to our warriors to sustain their energy." Julie's mate, Sestru, butted into our conversation.

"It's the main meal back on our planet." Egris added while devouring the remainder of his bowl.

Lola sucked up all the courage she had and reached for the spoon. She had never been one to try exotic or different food, always sticking to the stuff she knew. But if Lola was going to live around these people, then she had to be prepared to eat their meals.

Taking the tiniest bit on the tip of her spoon, Lola placed the sludge on her tongue and waited for the vile taste. But it didn't arrive. Instead something sweet yet savoury invaded her tongue with hints of milk. It reminded her of rice pudding from the tin and she smiled at the warm memory.

Julie, Egris and Sestru started up a light conversation while Lola spent her time eating. This 'Emukin' was addictive and filling and she desperately wanted to eat more - but her stomach was at a point of explosion if she did.

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