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Me and TheBookArtist- were talking about stupid racists today, and instead of calling it the "Chinese Virus" people should call it "Bat Soup Virus" since bats are known carriers of coronavirus. So since an idiot (regardless of race bc lets be honest, we're all idiots at one point) decided to eat (infected) bat soup and now we're all dying :)

SO. FACTS: someone ate expired bat soup. Move along.


How's quarantine going? I'm bored out of my mind, school is over for god knows how long (and I really wanna go back :c), and everyone looks dead inside (including me)

The above picture is a screenshot I took while playing Roblox because I have nothing else to do. As you can see, my avatar looks bored as hell, like me.

I wonder how many people will survive social distancing ;-;

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