Woken up

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           Lucas ran across the rug of the room, only 4 inches tall. Two men ran after him, their intentions no where near pure. Despite all of them being borrowers, the men were cruel bandits. Selfish and greedy, they wanted the place to themselves. Lucas ran, watching behind him instead of in front. He never realized that he ran directly as a couch with a sleeping girl on it. Her dark hair fell down the side of the couch but her eyes were closed as she was snuggled in a blanket unaware of the chaos in front of her. Lucas soon realized she was there and panicked even more. What could he do? Risk waking her up? She could do more pain than the bandits! He couldn barely think as he ran. Wake her up and hope she helps him? Or keep running and risk being caught by the bandits who were much more fit than him. He tripped while in his thoughts. The bandits were coming fast. Without thinking Lucas cried out.

"HELP ME!" His voice cracked as he shouted. The girl's eyes flew open, her  pupils adjusting in the pool of blue they were surrounded by. She looked at him with confusion and looked at the me chasing him. Those very men soon noticed she was awake. They skidded to a stop before turning around retreating, leaving Lucas there by himself. The girl, who was still in confusion, just looked at Lucas. He stared back with his chest lifting up and falling back as he tried to catch his breathe. The two stared at one another in silence. Lucas stood up and slowly backed away, seeing if she was going to get up. She simply looked at him. It felt like a dream to her being how unreal it was. He turned around and began to run away. He stopped briefly and looked behind him to see if she was going to chase him. The girl simply snuggled back in her blanket and closed her eyes. This caused confusion in Lucas. Why did she not come after him but rather go back to her nap? He stood there for a moment and then turned to leave again. He then realized the two men were watching, waiting for him. Waiting to pounce on him like he was prey and they were predators waiting to strike. He looked back at the sleeping girl. He could wait there until the men left, but what if she woke up again? He had to risk it.
           He went back towards the couch, and sat there on the rug. He made eye contact with the men who looked at him like he had lost his mine. A slumbering giant only a few steps away and he sat there keeping his composure. He heard movement behind him and saw the men snicker as if to say "You're in for it now." He refused to turn around, bracing himself for what could come. Instead he heard a yawn and two thumps. The girl had sat up with her feet resting on the floor.

"You've come back." She stated with a content sigh from her nap. Lucas refused to turn around. "Are you now afraid to look at me?" She asked. Lucas bit his cheek and took a deep breath before standing and turning around.

"I didn't mean to disturb your nap..." He said sheepishly.

"You dont need to apologize, it looks like you were in a bit of trouble with those men." The girl said as she looked down at him. "Is that why you've come back? The men chasing you?" Lucas swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Yes. They're bandits who want to kill me so that all that is available here will be left to them." He rubbed the back of his neck. The girl looked at him with sad eyes.

"You poor thing." She reached over and scooped him up without warning, causing him to gasp. She pressed him against her cheek. "Well you're safe now with me." Lucas blushed as he realized the sweet giantess was going to keep safe. Imagine if she has never woken up.

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