•|Reconcile + Control|•

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Today was very different from yesterday.

You didn't know what Tsukishima, Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi talked about, but it really knocked some sense into the blonde.

At this point he had worked on his read block just in time to match up with everyone else's pace. You were glad that he wasn't allowing himself to fall behind.

It was the third day of the practice matches and everyone was gradually getting used to one another better than before—well, everyone besides Hinata and Kageyama. For some reason, they were still completely performing out of sync.

Later that day, during practice/free time, Kuroo had pulled you aside to help keep score for a three-on-three match. You agreed, and jotted down minor critiques as they played.

After some time, Fukurodani Academy's managers came by and smiled at you while pointing to their wrists before walking away. At their gesture, you checked the time and realized that you should probably stop the match.

"Yessss!" Hinata yelled after spiking a ball past Haiba.

With that you stood up.

"That's enough for today." You informed them. "The cafeteria's going to close before you guys can eat if we don't wrap it up here."

"Can't go into battle on an empty stomach." Kuroo agreed with your logic. "Let's head out, boys."

"Just a minute." You stopped them with your voice as you ripped up the piece of paper you were jotting down notes on. "As I was watching, I wrote down a list of things you guys do well on and what could improve. I also put down some bad habits that you should fix before you get injured."

You quickly handed out the pieces of paper and sent everyone on their way.

"You don't have to take anything into consideration, I was just bored." You clarified frantically, not wanting to sound super picky.

"Thanks!" Haiba smiled widely. The 194.5cm male was towering over you.

"You need to practice your receives." You informed him, pointing to the paper. "Also, if you keep slouching like that, you'll have back problems in the future."

The taller male nodded excitingly. "So this is what its like to have a manager!"

"Let's go, Lev." Kuroo dragged the half-Russian, half-Japanese boy away.

As you saw everyone slowly filing out of the gym, Tsukishima stayed behind.

You eyed him curiously. To be honest, you hadn't spoken to him since your argument. Yachi was kind enough to tend to his needs (water bottle, towel, etc.) so you didn't have to.

"What is it, Kei?" You stared at him. "Trying to get me to yell at you again?"

You knew it wasn't like that at all.

He had changed and you could see it.

Even still, you couldn't help but be upset with the fact that he just dismissed your words like they were nothing when he was the one that asked for your advice.

"I'm sorry." Tsukishima stated before leaving the gym.

Your eyes widened. That, you were not expecting.

"Say it again, Kei!" You followed behind him closely. "I heard you, but say it again!"

"If you heard me then I don't need to say it again." Tsukishima pushed you away from him by holding your head back.

"Say it again, Kei!" You demanded.

The tension that was between the two of you these past couple days was something you disliked with a passion.

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Tsukishima was always teasing you and chatting with you, so you felt upset that he didn't speak a word to you after the incident. All of the emotions were just bottling up and-

"Hey, stop crying." The male was surprised. "I said I was sorry."

He removed his hand from your head and instead brought you into his chest.

"But you didn't talk to me for days, Kei." You uttered sadly, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"I said I'm sorry, already." Your childhood friend repeated.

"Say it again." You insisted, resting your forehead on his sweaty shirt.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you and being a jerk." Tsukishima stated. "Now let go of me, I'm all sweaty."

"Yeah, I know." You chuckled with a sniffle. "You smell, Kei."

The male stiffened and immediately shoved you away. "Sorry I smell."

Since he turned away, you couldn't see his expression. All you knew was that the tips of his ears were red. Whether that was because he just got done playing volleyball or because he was blushing, you would never know.

"Let's go get dinner, Kei." You nudged him before running ahead.

This forced him to jog behind you whether he wanted to or not.


The next day you found yourself standing awkwardly in the hall with Akaashi.

"H-H-Hello!" You stuttered. Not because you were nervous, but because you were still embarrassed about what you blurted to him two-and-a-half weeks ago.

"Hello." The male stoically nodded his head.

"Ahhh~ So cool~!" Your thoughts were somehow voiced and you didn't realize it until he said something.

"I don't really think I'm that cool." Akaashi scratched the back of his head nervously. "I'm really sweaty right now and I think I smell a bit musty, so-"

"But you're still cool, Akaashi-san!" You interrupted him with enthusiasm. Hearing him talk that way about himself definitely bothered you. "Totally my type."

"Ah, I've actually been meaning to ask you, but what is your type?" He asked as he filled up his water bottle.

"You." You blatantly stated. In your mind, your list reappeared, and you expected for him to be able to read it.

The male's eyes widened and a small blush fell over his cheeks. For some reason, your blunt words stuck with him.

When you first stated that he was your type, he thought you meant it as a joke. Surely no girl would like an expressionless guy, right? He was absolutely sure that people would rather fall for aces like Bokuto or chic captains like Kuroo.

Not him.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto's voice was booming through the halls.

"You're so loud, you owl." Kuroo sighed as he walked alongside the grey-haired male.

"I'll catch you later." You whispered. "If they see us alone together, they'll definitely give you and I a hard time."

Akaashi was surprised. You were worried about him?

For some reason, he grabbed your wrist to stop you from leaving.

"What?" You stared at him and he looked at you like he didn't know what he was doing.

He truly felt that he had no control over his body.

"Oya oya." Bokuto happily jogged over. "Lil' manager is here too! So, listen. I heard that you like Akaashi, so I just want to say-"

Kuroo came up behind him and covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence.

Akaashi let go of your wrist with their arrival. You blushed at his words. They knew about what you said to Akaashi? You glanced at Kuroo and he averted his gaze nervously. 'They knew!!!!'

"Hey there, baby girl." Kuroo tossed the owl aside and made his way over to you. "Whatcha doin' over here with Akaashi?"

"I'm going to the toilet." You informed him.

"With Akaashi?" Kuroo chuckled. "Why not go with me instead?"

You blushed and hit his chest. "I'm going alone!"

After he eyed you go inside the bathroom, Kuroo chuckled. "She's totally cute."

"'My type'." Akaashi was simply repeating what you said, but the other two didn't see it that way.

"Akaashi, you like her too?!" Bokuto immediately popped up from behind the male and excitedly led his favorite underclassman away.

Haikyuu!! and YouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt