Chapter 8

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*Hosuh's POV*

After all of us ate We all went our separate ways dan, Ann and jay went somewhere and me and Stephen went home.

After we got home I dropped my bag on the floor and lates on my bed.

Looking up the ceiling the memories of last night came flowing back to me like a river.

When Stephen held me and our faces were inches apart. If only I could kiss those lip-

I felt my face heat up "what am I even thinking!?"

I face slammed myself on the people and screamed. "Im such an idiot.."I though.

I looked outside and see it was snowing. I smiled and though of me and Stephen when we first met.


I was building a snowman.
When someone kicked my it down. I looked up to see the three kids who bullies me a lot.

"Ha you are such a weirdo! No wonder why nobody wants to play with you!" One of them said. And the other two keeps kicking snow at me. "Your a nobody!" Said one of them.

"Hey stop that!" Someone said and I looked up to see a purple haired kid. I was actually surprised. Nobody ever stood up to help me. Or ever tries to stop the bullies.

I felt a tear rolled down my face.

"Stop what? What are you gonna do? Hit me?" Said one of the bullies.

"Yeah!" The other kid said and smacked the bullies.

The bullies quickly ran away.

"Yeah you better run!" Said the purple Mohawk kid.

I looked up to him crouching in front of me. "Are you ok?" He said and stretched his hand out for me to grab.

I grabbed his hand and he helped me stood up. "Yeah I think so...thank you for...standing up to them..." i said and looked down on my feet.

"Yeah cause you didn't deserve to be treated like that! By the way I'm stephen nice to meet ya!" He said and held out his hand smiling at me.

I smiled back and shook his hand."I'm Hosuh." I said.

•End of flashback•

I smiled at that wonderful memory. Since we've became friends I started to grow feeling towards Stephen. Stephen is very special to me.

A knock interrupted my train of though.

I opened the door to see the one and only Stephen. "Hey Hosuh I was wondering me,jay and Gavin are going to the club tonight you in?" He said and was already dressed up.

I though about it for a moment since Stephen and jay are gonna be drunk I'll need to be there. At least it will get my mind of things. Besides.

What's the worst that could happen?

"Yeah sure" I said and closed the door.

I changed into my pink hoodie and black skinny jeans and played on my phone till the others were ready to go.

<At the club>

We were finally at the club and we sat on our table. Gavin went to get some drinks for us and Stephen and jay went to the dance floor. And I was left alone on the table.

While o was waiting for Gavin with the drinks a man walked towards me. I can smell the alcohol from him. So I can tell he's drunk.

"Hey there baby~ lookin...good" he said and sat next to me. I moved to the side cause he stinks and was in my personal space.

"Come on pumpkin I don't bite~"he said. He said and grabbed my waist pulling me closer.

I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what to do so I just sat there still. Letting him touch my leg. My eyes started watering and even if I scream nobody will hear me cause there either drunk or just couldn't hear me cause of the loud music.

I closed my eyes shut trying to push this guy off me when a hand pulled me away from the creepy man.

"Hands off dude this one is taken" someone said. When I turned to face the guy my face flushed red.

It was Stephen! He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him and I am probably looking like a tomato right now.

The man looked annoyed and walked away mumbling something that I didn't care about and looked at Stephen.

"T-thanks Stephen your a life saver" I said and he looked at me and smiled.

"From now on your going to stay with me." He said and. Grabbed my arm and we sat down on our table.

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