Jungkook's knee bounced up and down in anticipation. Jimin gave him a strange look and Jin rolled his eyes in a joking manner.
"Calm down, Kooks, you're acting like we're gonna eat Taehyung alive when he gets here," Hoseok piped from across the room on a couch. Jungkook shook his head but didn't stop his twitching.
Jungkook invited Taehyung to movie night. That was a pretty big deal, considering how closed off most of his friends were. To invite someone like that meant that the person meant a lot to Jungkook.
...Which Taehyung did.
"When's he gonna get here," Jungkook whined, throwing himself over the armrest of the couch haphazardly. Jimin laughed at him and Jungkook hit him with a pillow.
"Don't laugh! I'm really anxious," Jungkook mumbled, catching the pillow when Jimin threw it back at him. Jimin walked closer, cautious of another pillow, and patted Jungkook's head.
"Don't worry, Kooks, it'll be fine," Jimin said, running his fingers through Jungkook's hair the way he knew the boy liked. And it definitely helped Jungkook out a little bit. His nerves died down for a moment and-
He jumped up when he heard the doorbell rang and blushed when his friends giggled at him. Jungkook scurried to the door and opened it, not bothering to even check who was on the other side.
"Taehyungie!" he squeaked, throwing his arms around Taehyung. Taehyung took a step back as he caught Jungkook's weight but giggled along with the boy, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Hey, Jungkookie," Taehyung almost rasped in Jungkook's ear. Jungkook felt shivers rush down his spine and smirked before dragging Taehyung into Jin's house.
"G-Guys, this is Taehyung," Jungkook mumbled, introducing Taehyung to the rest of his friends. They all waved and smiled, introducing themselves and giggling at how nervous Jungkook looked.
"Let's start the movie now!" Jimin whined, tossing a pillow in Jin's direction. The two started to quarrel and Jungkook led Taehyung to a separate couch and sat down with him.
"What are we watching?" Taehyung asked in a low voice beside Jungkook. Jungkook shrugged and glared at his friends, only to be responded with a bunch of giggles. Then Jin finally started the movie.
Jungkook pursed his lips together, slowly trying to inch closer to Taehyung. But he wasn't really sure if Taehyung wanted him that close. It would be awkward to ask him and Jungkook was already stressing-
"Move closer," Taehyung whispered, putting a gentle hand on Jungkook's waist and pulling him closer. Jungkook blushed but smiled like a maniac, glancing around to make sure that none of his friends had seen.
Yoongi saw. But he only smirked and turned his attention back to the screen.
Jungkook reached for a blanket and draped it over the two of them, moving a little closer to Taehyung just because. Taehyung smiled down at him and turned his attention back to the movie. Jungkook decided he should probably do the same.
"Do you guys want popcorn?" Namjoon asked, holding out an already half-eaten bowl of popcorn. Jungkook nodded eagerly and sat up just enough to reach the bowl.
Jungkook glanced between the screen, his bowl of popcorn, and Taehyung, unsure of which to focus all of his attention on. He hadn't really been watching the movie, however, so turned all of his attention to the popcorn.
Taehyung moved, his hand inching lower on Jungkook's waist and Jungkook blushed, glancing up at Taehyung with big eyes...
Taehyung was pouting.
Jungkook giggled and then glanced around the room, making sure he wasn't disturbing anyone else. Nobody noticed, thankfully.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook whined in a hushed tone, only to see Taehyung turn away from him. It was Jungkook's turn to pout.
"Give me attention," he whined, leaning in to Taehyung's side even more. Taehyung turned and looked down at him and smirked. Jungkook glared at him.
"Can I have some popcorn?" Taehyung asked softly, his hand rubbing at Jungkook's side idly. Jungkook's expression fell and he rolled his eyes at Taehyung.
"That's what you're pouting about?" he asked, putting the bowl in Taehyung's lap. Taehyung laughed quietly beside him, trying not to distract everyone else from the rest of the movie.
"You our m&m's in this?" Taehyung asked, tossing another piece of popcorn in his mouth. Jungkook glanced down at the bowl, not even noticing himself, but nodded and giggled when he saw the little chocolates scattered amongst the popcorn.
Jungkook glanced up at Namjoon and caught him smiling at him. Jungkook gave Namjoon a thumbs up and mumbled a thank you, pointing at the popcorn bowl with the biggest grin on his face.
Taehyung must've noticed Jungkook squirming around, because he turned his attention away from the movie and down at the boy beside him. Jungkook blushed at the attention, although he didn't really mind it, it was just him being himself: silly.
"You're so adorable," Taehyung mumbled, moving his hand from its comfortable spot on Jungkook's waist up into his hair. He ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair, idly massaging his scalp, and smirked as the boy relaxed under his touch.
Taehyung smiled.
He was happy that Jungkook was comfortable enough to be himself around him. He was happy that Jungkook had finally discovered who he truly was.
It took a while for them to get to this place, but that didn't matter to Taehyung. All that mattered was that moment.
And in that moment, they were happy.
thank you?? for 1k??
also retrospective (new book) is coming out soon! i'll probably publish the prologue sometime today!

Taehyung is an Asshole | TAEKOOK
FanfictionJungkook knows that high school relationships never last, but he's determined to at least start one... with the captain of the football team, Kim Taehyung.