𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨

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I was attacked as soon as I left Photography, by none other than Challis High's version of Mean Girls' Plastics. Linzi, Vicki and Izzi. The same three girls who I'd already told to leave me alone.

Although it wasn't a physical attack, I would've much preferred that over the onslaught of questions that were waiting for me.

"Is it true that you fought Damien?" Izzi asked me anxiously.

"Who?" That was all I had time to say before more hurled their questions at me.

"What was it about?"

"Who started it?"

"Are you on drugs?"

"Are you worried about them coming after you again?"

"Were they trying to deal to you?"

I didn't know three girls could attack like thirty girls. They were literal gossip mongers; trying to squeeze every ounce of information out of me before I became irrelevant. All for one stupid little fight.

"What the hell is going on here?" A voice cut above the others, as the girls got louder to try and override each other's questions, and instantly I knew who it was.

As she made her way toward me, the three girls, seeing the annoyed expression on her face, pulled pouty faces and left. When she got to me, she rolled her eyes.

"You haven't been at this school more than a week and you're already drawing their attention," Ember said disapprovingly. She glanced at my split lip.

The bell rang, and everyone departed for the next lesson.

I shrugged, "Must be my good looks and — as I believe they call it — physique."

"Or maybe it's just because you're an arrogant American who can't survive without a fight in the corridors." After a slight, suppressed smirk at my tease, she raised her eyebrows and walked away.

"Thanks, I guess!" I called after her.

Ember held her hand up and twisted around to look at me. "Don't mention it, I only did it 'cos you deserve a fate much, much worse than them," she laughed and continued walking.

Out of nowhere, a hot, blinding pain scorched through my back — so unbearable that I cried out and fell to the floor.

Unfortunately, Ember heard me and raced back towards me.

"Theo! Are you alright?" Concern was pouring out of her, though I couldn't tell how genuine it was.

"No." I spat out, trying desperately not to cry out again; I didn't need any more attention.

The wolf in me started to take over, as it usually did when I needed saving from human pain.

But no, not here, not now.

Struggling to contain it, my hands balled into fists, my claws instantly making incisions; I could hardly feel them.

All the while, Ember was whispering to me, attempting to console me. Thankfully, she must've guessed that what was happening to me was beyond anyone's reach so she didn't shout for help. No one was around anyway.

The pain seared again through my back, sending a fresh wave of agony.

My body was almost out of my control, the wolf begging me to let it loose. Like a puppet on strings, my body was no longer under my own bidding — so when the puppet master viciously yanked the strings once more, my blazer tore in two.

"We need to move you." Ember stifled a gasp and faltered, before telling me, "There's blood pouring down your back."

I froze. "What?"

Playing with Fire #1  ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu