at an unspecified date
The mist hovered over the water only slightly - as if playing hard to get with the lake beneath it. Happily, the sun peeked just slightly through the clouds above, but the air was cold enough to bite one's nose. Lake Superior breathed in and out as its waves crashed in and receded from the beach. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and the couple sitting on their bench near the edge of the body of water had not a care in the world. No plans for the day - simply enjoying the land as it was given to them.
They sat on the bench, Dina held close by her husband. She was fully enveloped in his arms, her face buried in his chest, focusing only on the warmth and the steady rise and fall of his body. She followed its rhythmic tempo, lulling her towards sleep. She had grown to be a past half a century old by this time and had always enjoyed these times spent with her husband in the mornings. She never knew how many more she would get - and cherished each of them as if it were her last.
Kyle held onto his wife, admiring the growing numbers of grey hair sprouting from her head, mixing in with the dulled chocolate brown strands. He admired every aspect of her, from her personality to her enduring spirit, down to every little inch of determination she held inside her. He loved these moments by the water. Almost every morning, they would go outside to roam the forest, continue work on their children's old forest fort town (which had been left behind when they all moved out) or simply sit out by the lake, enjoying the cool air.
The indigenous man checked his watch slowly, careful not to move his arm too suddenly and arouse his wife. 9:00 am, it read. Kyle thought back to the last time they were both on a strict schedule and almost chuckled. That had been so many years since either of them had served in Starfleet. Kai and Minami had moved out on their journies to the academy and beyond years before that. And with Binesi, their youngest son, having moved out to the Andes with his partner, the cottage housed only the two aging beings that had started it all.
Kyle was always slightly worried, or at least always wondering, about his children's journeys. He and Dina would try to call as much as they could, and were beginning to realize how much they missed being a part of their children's every-day lives. Dina always had to remind him how their parents probably felt when they were off on a starship. Kyle had acknowledged the idea, but it didn't make his ache for his children any less dull.
But he had his wife. And he often told himself he would need little more in life should humans find a way to live without food and water. He held dear every morning he woke up with her, every evening that he kissed her goodnight. His children may have been off on different sides of the galaxy, but his wife was right next to him - regardless of the circumstances. It was a promise they had made when they were married, and it was a promise they would keep to the day they passed on.
"Is it time to go yet?" a small, almost smothered voice said. Kyle glanced down to see at Dina, who had turned her head up at him. She looked up with a smile but seemed almost tired. Kyle's heart warmed at the sight of her smile, despite the cold air from the lake. "I just don't want to be..." she yawned but tried to keep it contained. "...late to anything."
"Dina," Kyle replied to her, moving one hand to brush the hair out of her face., "We don't have to be anywhere. We could stay right here, right now, for the rest of the day. And there's no work shift to tell us we can't."
The older woman chuckled. "Ah, yes. Thank goodness. I seem to have forgotten..." she said, her smile growing, but her eyes becoming a little more unresponsive and distant. "Just habit. But I do miss being on a starship sometimes, don't you?"
Kyle thought about it. It was true, he missed being among the stars. He missed the rush of adrenaline he got from catching bad guys or running around the ship. But he loved the outdoors just as much, if not a thousandfold more. "Of course I do," Kyle admitted. "But I love it out here so much. It's all...real. Nothing synthetic - everything grows and dies the way it is supposed to."

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