Subnautica- Ethan Nestor

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Ethan turned on the camera as I sat down on his lap. I was a lot smaller then him so it made recording together a lot easier. He looked at the camera and started the video. He said that we were playing subnautica and I had no idea what it was.

He started up the game and I watched and saw it was an ocean game. "Nooooooooo, an ocean game are you kidding me?!!" I say. "This is just a game, nothing's gonna hurt you!" I sighed and watched as Ethan quickly did.... whatever it is you do in this game. He swam by a fish that caught my eye, a peeper. "Wait babe, go back!!" He Swann toward the peeper and I laughed. "It's so cute!!" I smiled. "They are kind of cute in an odd way." He grabbed it and took it with him.

Many hours had passed and he had made a tank inside our base to keep my favourite fish in. We named the peeper jack because it reminded me of Sam, jacks mascot, kind of.

Ethan had gotten a text from the team chat so he took a break and I took over. We went out more and I found a weird lobster like fish. I swam up to it and it attacked me! "Woah woah! Y/n that's a bleeder! They attack!" He took control again and moved away from it. I pouted. "I just wanted the fishy to love me." I say. Ethan awes and squeezes me in a hug. "It's okay, I love you, you wanna go get another peeper?" I giggled and nodded. We caught another and we were thinking of names. We went out to get food and ran into a huge monster! A Reefback I think it was called. They were passive. We played on till Ethan spoke. "Oh! Let's go find a holefish! You'll like those!" We did find one and I named it Jesus cause it was a holy (hole-ly) fish. Ethan was so done with my puns so he scared me.

Ethan swam into a dark area and it started to scare me, I hate the ocean. "Ethan what are you doing?"
"Finding something." He looked closely at the screen and then ahhed. He leaned back and watched as a sea dragon swam out and killed us. I was so close to crying. "Did the peepers die too?" I ask shakily.
"Everything died." He said not sad
"Noooooooooo!!!" I burst into tears and cried over jack and Jesus. Ethan just finished the video and rolled his eyes as he turned off the camera.

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