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THE SUNWAS BEATING down against thick golden sand that was flourish across the grounds. The hot wind was brushing through the empty air causing the golden sand to grow layers of more sand. From a far the sand would look almost like the ocean, a much deadlier ocean.
Not a single flesh could handle the extensive heat that was placed through these grounds. Simply staring hard at the sun can easily burn you to death. It was the deadliest lands that anyone could ever stand on. Not a single soul dared to step on these grounds except for one. His body was completely covered with as many layers that he could carry in order to save his skin from the burning sun. the only thing that you could visually see that was really from this stranger was his porcelain green eyes.
Sweat was trickling down his face as he struggled to dig his feet deep into the golden sand as he continues to travel to his destination. There was still not a single sight of flesh nearby, flesh that he badly needed by his side. He grasped the portable bottle hung behind his back and pulled off the cap. He pours out the last drop of water into his mouth instantly feeling refreshed from that little drop of water.
The man was already giving up on all his hopes. His hopes on finding the one place that could finally give him the life he dreams of having. His vision was growing hazy as he struggles to keep his balance. It was up to the point where his cloudy vision was taking over his body. His body fell hard on rigid sand, his eyelids felt heavy as his body laid restless on the ground.
All his hopes and dreams were done forth. He was nothing but a dying body lying on the deadliest grounds on earth. He gave one last sigh, finally letting the sun consume him until his body was burnt straight to the bone.
He felt his body quivering in the hot weather which was ironic. He opened his grey eyes still having the hazy vision but pushed it aside. He stared at the sand he was lying almost dead on. He stared with a puzzled expression. He could see the little grains of sand that were almost invisible to the naked eye begin to vibrate. This later lead to the entire ground shaking with all its might.
He struggled to push himself off the ground as he felt the ground shake even harder. From only a feet away he spotted a sharp point that was pointing straight to the clear blue skies. He noticed it rising higher than ever making the man run for his life.
The shaking finally came to an end making the breathless man stop at his tracks. Distress was taking over him, fearing as to what horrors he might witness. He turns around hesitantly, suddenly being greeted by a pyramid towering over him with such might. It was as if the pyramid was glaring harshly down on the lonely man, judging his every move.
A cry of joy erupted from the man as starred with such pride as to what he had finally discovered. He's been studying for countless of years in order to find this place, one of the deadliest lands in the world.
Brick after brick were falling apart until it carved a shape of a door that was open for the man. He was taken back by the unexpected sound that had rung through the empty air. He was hesitant but finally stepped foot into the forbidden temple of Osiris.