"H- he likes me?"
"Don't freak out. He just likes you, no big deal."
I heard a notification ding from my phone. I needed to calm down so I checked it out.
A girl had dmed me.
"Sorry sweetie. Looks like you lost your man."
She sent me a screenshot of a conversation of her and Quinton. It was disgusting. I couldn't even describe it.
My mouth hung open.
"Sis? What happened."
Ale looked concerned. He grabbed my phone from my hands and looked at it. His eyes widened.
"I'm so sorry."
"Oh it's fine. I'm fine. We weren't serious or anything."
"But, you guys kissed. You never kiss any boy unless you have some serious feelings for them."
I sniffed.
"No Ale, don't worry about it. I don't want grey hairs on that perfect little head of yours. I'll be fine. I'm always fine."
I hugged him. I thought I was fine, until I broke down in tears. Ale held me so tight, it was sweet. Even if he was younger, he was still way taller than me.
I remembered the moment, where my siblings and I found my mom drinking in the kitchen. Jaden asked her to stop but she screamed at all of us. That's when dad left.
Jaden was only 11, I was 10, Ale was 8, turning 9 in a month.
I was so mad at my mom, for yelling at us for no reason and scaring Ale.
I yelled back at her.
She hit me, but luckily it was enough time for Jaden to take Ale upstairs to be safe.
It left a scar right near my eye. I know my mom still regrets that day, and whenever she looks into my eyes, she still feels like a horrible mom.
After she hit me, I ran upstairs. Didn't even break a tear. And I went into the room with my siblings.
Ale was still very much slurring over his words. But I could never forget it when he said, "You're my rock big sis."
Ah how strong I was back then. How come I couldn't be like this now, how come this time, Ale was the one holding me. Telling me everything was okay.
"I'm okay Ale. I barely even knew him. God I'm such an idiot."
"You aren't an idiot okay?"
I nodded and kissed him on the cheek.
"Even though you're annoying, you're still a great baby brother."
And from the on, I decided to settle on school and work. And in the future, Noen and I reconnected. To live Happily Ever After.
Hey guys, thanks for reading. The last part of skater boy

tiktok boy imagines
Romancewhy not try something different. fluff/smut/sweet imagines