When you ignore them!

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He would get pissed very quickly. Soon instead of just ignoring him, you would be having another argument that week. "Y/N! Talk to me now!" "I'm not gonna ask you again!"

He would ignore you back. Simple as that. Though, he would try and find out what was wrong.

He would start crying. "Y/N I don't know what I did but I'm sorry. Please forgive me..." that would instantly break you. It ended with you two cuddling for the rest of the day and passing kisses.

He could make you talk. He would play it dirty. No way could you keep quit then. "That's what I thought y/n."

He would make silly faces at you and get all up I'm your face until you e had enough. "Y/nnnnnn~ look at me!" He would say, grabbing your cheeks. You gave him a blank look.

Questions. So many questions. "Y/n what happened? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?? Who did it?! I'll kill them!!"

In his eyes, you were being childish. He didn't have time for it. He was the commander after all. "Y/N. Come find me when your not acting like a child." He would say before turning his back and walking away.

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