'Long awaited talk'
Draco walked down the halls alone, consumed by his thoughts. He missed Hadrian. He missed their chats over homework, their playful jokes in the common room, their general being together. Draco wished so badly for everything to return to normal. Yet, being anywhere close to Hadrian reminded him of that night.
A deep sigh escaped Draco's lips as he continued walking. He didn't want to return to the common room, yet he had no lessons to attend. He just wanted to be alone, to be apart from the other students. He needed a place to think.
Despite, the conflict in his mind, his body knew where to take him. Eventually, he found himself walking outside a familiar corridor, pacing in front of a wall three times. The room of requirement.
I need a place to think this through. Draco desperately thought, over and over as he paced.
Stepping into the room, Draco was instantly surrounded by comforting piano music. The soft chords echoed around the room as he placed himself down on one of the velvet couches. Draco closed his eyes, finally letting out the breath he had been holding all this time.
"You were the last person I expected to see here," a voice cut through his thoughts, shattering this perfect sense of tranquility.
"Or maybe not," Draco could practically see the smirk that paired so well with the voice.
Slowly opening his eyes, Draco saw what he had missed. Hadrian Black, sitting quietly at the piano. He looked so graceful as his fingers glided across the keys.
"You play piano?" Draco managed to stutter out, unable to take his eyes of the other boy.
"One tends to pick up a lot of skill in my profession," he chuckled. However, they soon lapsed back into silence, allowing the music from the piano to drift between them.
"Why have you been ignoring me, Draco?" Hadrian's voice was cold and emotionless.
"I- I was- well," Draco stuttered incoherently, unaware of Hadrian leaving his seat at the piano. The assassin stalked closer to Draco, silent as the night. Slowly, he got closer to Draco. Draco gasped in shock as he suddenly found Hadrian in front of him, only a few millimeters apart from him.
"Was it that night?" Hadrian smirked, leaning closer to Draco's sitting form and whispering right next to his ear. Draco blushed profusely at Hadrian's close proximity, but managed a strangled 'yes'.
"So, you think it was a mistake?" Hadrian asked, pressing his knee inbetween Draco's legs, grinding it against the blonde's erection.
"Ah! I- you don't ahh, you don't like me." Draco moaned out, whimpering as Hadrian chuckled at his response.
"Would I be doing this if I didn't like you, Dray. I wasn't drunk that night, I knew what I was doing." He smirked, his hands moving down to the bottom to Draco's shirt. Draco hastily complied, pulling his shirt off and begining to unbutton Hadrian's.
"I thought you didn't like me. I- I'm not good enough for you." Draco whispered, pausing momentarily as he did. Hadrian growled in response, pushing his lips onto Draco's. The blonde instantly moaned into the kiss, allowing Hadrian to slip his tongue into the Draco's mouth. Finally, the two pulled apart.
"I do like you Draco. Never say that you aren't good enough," he growled before latching his lips onto Draco's neck, biting and licking the tender skin. The blonde moaned and writhed under Hadrian's touch. The assassin began leaving red marks across Draco's neck and down his torso.
"I see you two made up then," chuckled Pansy as Draco and Hadrian entered the Great Hall. Draco quickly turned red and adjusted his collar, attempting to hide the hickeys. Hadrian smirked at Draco, sitting down at the Table, next to Blaise.
The Hogwarts tables were pushed closer together, allowing the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students to sit at the edges of the hall. Dumbledore ,and other officials of the tournament, had assembled in front of the staff table around the goblet of fire. Hadrian, like most students old enough, had entered. He knew that his brother, Evan Potter, and his Weasley friend had both entered. Though, the twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes suggested that he had something else planned for Evan Potter. The Durmstrang students were undoubtedly rooting for Victor Krum, much like the Hogwarts students.
Hadrian's attention turned back to the goblet as the flames turned red and sparks began to fly from it. A tongue of flames shot into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it, drawing a gasp from the students. Dumbledore carefully caught the piece of parchment and held it out.
"The champion for Durmstrang," Dumbledore read in a clear voice that echoed through the silent hall, "is Victor Krum." A storm of applause and cheering swept through the Hall. Hadrian watched as Victor rose from his place and marched towards the staff table, where he promptly disappeared through the door into the next chamber. A second of parchment shot out of the goblet, propelled by the flames.
"The champion for Beauxbatons," Dumbledore continued, "is Fleur Delacour!" A blonde girl rose gracefully from the students. Hadrian could easily sense that she was a Veela, if the drooling boys weren't enough proof. When she too had vanished into the chamber, the hall returned to silence.
The goblet turned red once more; flames shot into the air and from its tip Dumbledore pulled the third piece of parchment.
"The Hogwarts champion is Hadrian Black." Dumbledore didn't seem very pleased with that outcome, clenching his fists around the parchment. Any non-Slytherin Hogwarts students didn't seem very happy either, grumbling angrily and sighing. Rising from his seat, with the Slytherins cheering in his wake. Ignoring the teacher's looks of annoyance, he turned into the chamber.
Hadrian quickly joined the other two champions, introducing himself to Fleur and catching up with Victor. Madam Maxime and Professor Karkaroff soon joined them in the room. Who followed them, was what made Hadrian angry.
"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."

Never Trust A Snake
FanfictionHarry Potter's life was never truly a happy one, neglected by his parents, sent away to live with abusive muggles at 5 but it wasn't always like this. What if Harry Potter had a twin. What if Dumbledor claimed that Harry's twin was the boy who lived...