Longing for Love

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     My feet carried me across the streets like a raging river, and I didn't stop until I stumbled into my apartment. I supported myself in the door frame as I tried desperately to catch my breath. I didn't want to be loud and wake Peggy and Daniel or Junior, so I quietly tiptoed to the kitchen, dropping the gun on the table before I collapsed in one of the chairs.

     Suddenly, a thought washed over me, and my chest tightened with terror. I stood up in a flash and checked Junior's room in fear. The doctor threatened me only minutes ago, but he'd said he expected me. Maybe, that meant he also expected me to flee and wanted to jeopardize the life of my kid. As I opened the door, I saw my boy still in deep sleep, his angel face calm. I let out a heavy sigh of relief and could breathe again, content that I hadn't caused any harm to anyone.

     That night, I locked the door twice and slept on the couch in the living room; it was next to the biggest window and the closest to Junior's room that I could get. His room did have a window, but I was certain I'd hear a crash if anyone dared to enter that way.

     Peggy woke me the next morning, already dressed in her uniform.

     "Willow? Hey, it's time to wake up," she nudged my shoulder a few times until I shot up awake, startling her with my reaction. "Whoa, it's okay, it's okay. It's just me."

     Sharp pain on the side of my head caused me to scrunch my face together and rub the spot to inspect it, only inflicting more pain in the progress. Although, it wasn't only my head that was in pain; my arm ached and my knees and palms stung. I groaned instinctively, making Peggy notice something was wrong.

     "What happened to you?" she said as she looked over my face in concern. Judging by her reaction, I must've looked quite beaten up. "Where were you last night, Willy? A walk wouldn't do this to you."

     She hopped to the kitchen and returned with a bag of frozen peas, wrapped it in a cloth, and handed it to me. I pressed it against the painful spot on my head, feeling relief when the cold hit my bruise. "Is it bad?" I asked weakly. Not even a minute later, the ache in my arm caused me to transfer the peas to the other hand. I figured I might've broken or sprained my elbow in the fight.

     "You have a purple mark on half of your face, your arm is blue, and you look like you'd fallen off of a bike. I don't know your standards, but I'd guess that means bad, right?" David's joke made me notice his presence in the room, as well.

     "Willow, who did this to you?" Peggy asked with a straight face as she sat down next to me. I knew I shouldn't have lied to her, but I was afraid of what Zola was capable of. Obviously, he couldn't have taken on Peggy by himself, but, if he'd set that soldier to attack her, I would've been contemplating her chances.

     "I wandered too far from the city centre and came across a few swaggers. I was alright, though, obviously, but I took a beating or two," I tried to make my words come out as if it wasn't a big deal and hoped they'd buy it. I didn't know what I would've done if I was the reason that they got hurt.

     "Where did you meet those drunks?" Daniel asked with furrowed eyebrows.

     "I don't really remember; it was dark. I didn't see the name of the street."

     He and Peggy exchanged a few looks before shrugging simultaneously. Peggy stood up and fixed her skirt. "Well, alright. I think you should take a day off, though. I don't believe you can work with a bruise like that. Here, have some aspirin."

     I took the pill and Daniel handed me a glass of water. "Thanks, guys, but I have to go to work. I have a ton of paperwork to do for our next experiment," I said hoarsely as I struggled to swallow the pill. I never liked taking medicine, especially because it always got stuck in my throat.

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